Villains Quotes
Politicians against gay marriage now, are the future villains of our American History books.
'Villains!' I shrieked, 'dissemble no more! I admit the deed! – tear up the planks! – here, here! – it is the beating of his hideous heart!'
Villains are fun to play.
I have always found myself playing the hero, but I love villains. Villains have more fun.
I enjoy playing villains - I'm very proud that I belong to a very honorable tradition of British actors who come to Hollywood to play the bad guys. At some point in American film, I think there was the idea that the British accent had a tone to it that's a little bit naughty.
We love a tale of heroes and villains and conflicts requiring a neat resolution.
Soap opera seems to be a dirty word, but actually they are the most popular shows we have. People want to know what happens next, people hate the villains and love the lovers. It's good, fun TV. But I wouldn't call 'Downton' a soap opera as such.
When I wrote my eighth thriller, 'Inside Out,' in 2009, the villains were a group of CIA and other government officials who colluded to destroy a series of tapes depicting Americans torturing war-on-terror prisoners.
I feel like there's different kinds of evil and there's different kinds of villains, and as much as I would like to be dark and playing with knives... it's not me and it's not my look.
I don't feel I'm playing villains all the time.
Well, you know, in any novel you would hope that the hero has someone to push back against, and villains - I find the most interesting villains those who do the right things for the wrong reasons, or the wrong things for the right reasons. Either one is interesting. I love the gray area between right and wrong.
Playing villains is very liberating because unlike the leading man, nothing is expected of you. Leading men have to look good, they have to behave in a certain way, they have to fulfill an audience's expectations. But as a bad guy, you have free license to take the audience by surprise. And that's what audiences want - they want unpredictability from their villains. The villain's job is to subvert it.
I love to make even villains people you can relate to. When you find out who did it, I think you almost like the person, which is not easy to do.
Don’t personally believe that villains exist. Villains are just a way of saying that somebody has an opposing conviction.
I love everything. I love being the empathetic characters. I love being the villains. I think it's like when we're kids, we like to play all kinds of crazy characters and dress up.
Look for the contradictions in every character, especially in your heroes and villains. No one should be what they first seem to be. Surprise the audience.
Some people are cowards... I think by and large a third of people are villains, a third are cowards, and a third are heroes. Now, a villain and a coward can choose to be a hero, but they've got to make that choice.
In reality, there are very few villains who view themselves as villains. They just have a certain agenda at a certain time.
Villains and plots and enemies are simple things to me. But friendships are complicated, and love is harder still. It has wounded me deeper than a sword ever could.
The world needs heroes and it's better they be harmless men like me than villains like Hitler.
I cannot help thinking that the menace of Hell makes as many devils as the severe penal codes of inhuman humanity make villains.
That's to me what always is compelling about villains. I am much more interested in how they think than in what they even do.
Discrimination is not done by villains. It's done by us.
I'm not for the villains, I'm only for the princesses. I mean it's fun to have Jafar Aladdin cartoon villain or whatever; I didn't even remember their names 'cause they're not important to me.