Crown Quotes
Our founders did not oust George III in order for us to crown Richard I.
I was a heavy heart to carry My beloved was weighed down My arms around his neck My fingers laced to crown. I was a heavy heart to carry My feet dragged across ground And he took me to the river Where he slowly let me drown My love has concrete feet My love's an iron ball Wrapped around your ankles Over the waterfall
And if I have my choice between a pennant and a triple crown, I'll take the pennant every time.
I spent a lot of time with a crown on my head.
In 1559, Duke Frederick III was summoned before the Emperor Ferdinand I at Breslau to answer the accusations of extravagance and oppression brought against him by the Silesian Estates and was deposed, imprisoned, and his son Henry XI given the Ducal crown instead.
The crown of literature is poetry.
The strongest poison ever known came from Caesar's laurel crown.
A king that would not feel his crown too heavy for him, must wear it every day; but if he think it too light, he knoweth not of what metal it is made.
I won the crown for what I am - I'm certainly not going to let go of that!
Every noble crown is, and on Earth will forever be, a crown of thorns.
Sometimes life, will get you down, break your heart, steal your crown.
I felt privileged to be a facet of such a jewel in the crown of American cinema.
Place your attention 6 inches above your crown. God is breathing in and out there.
This crown to crown the laughing man, this rose-wreath crown: I myself have set this crown upon my head, I myself have pronounced my laughter holy.
To take revenge halfheartedly is to court disaster; either condemn or crown your hatred.
The hand that wields the knife shall never wear the crown.
Give way to your opponent; thus will you gain the crown of victory.
We are all making a crown for Jesus out of these daily lives of ours, either a crown of golden, divine love, studded with gems of sacrifice and adoration, or a thorny crown, filled with the cruel briars of unbelief, or selfishness, and sin.
For dogs we kings should have lions, and for cats, tigers. The great benefits a crown.
I go from a corruptible, to an incorruptible Crown; where no disturbance can be, no disturbance in the World.
A criminal remains a criminal whether he uses a convict's suit or a monarch's crown.
Whether success will crown the effort, or whether God wills it otherwise, it is not for man to discuss; it is enough that the work is there, and it is our duty to do it.
I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear You are someone else I am still right here What have I become My sweetest friend
Obedience is the crown and honour of all virtue.