Savings Quotes
We say that anytime budgets are balanced and an ample savings account has been set aside, government should just stop collecting taxes. Better to leave that money in the pockets of those who earned it, than to let it burn a hole, as it always does, in the pockets of government.
Mitch Daniels -
Experiences are savings which a miser puts aside. Wisdom is an inheritance which a wastrel cannot exhaust.
Karl Kraus
Do not leave yourself or your family unprotected against financial storms... Build up savings.
Ezra Taft Benson -
I have saved $1,638,580 over my four years. That may not seem like a lot, faced with our deficit, but multiply it by 435 members of the House - and then the senators get three times as much - and you are adding up several millions in savings.
Dan Webster -
Don't monitor your online savings account in real time.
Karen Bender -
Hyperinflation can take virtually your entire life's savings, without the government having to bother raising the official tax rate at all.
Thomas Sowell -
All estimates of savings are illusory and empty promises.
J. M. Roberts -
If a blind, three-legged racehorse named “Next Stop: Glue Factory” were racing down at the Fort Erie track, you can bet Lex Galbraith would’ve bet his life savings on the nose of that nag.
Craig Davidson
If you've been frugal during your life and tried to save, you're penalised by the tax system. You pay tax on your wages, your savings and even your private pension.
Geoff Capes -
If achieving the Hong Kong dream becomes a vanishing hope, then our society will suffer. What would the Hong Kong dream be? It's no different from the American dream, whereby an everyday man on the street who works hard would be able to make good savings and use those savings as equity for their future small business.
Richard Li -
It is impossible that the intention of the entrepreneur who has borrowed in order to increase investment can become effective except in substitution for investment by other entrepreneurs which would have occurred otherwise at a faster rate than the public decide to increase their savings...
John Maynard Keynes -
Bailing out people who made ill-advised mortgages makes no more sense that bailing out people who lost their life savings in Las Vegas casinos.
Thomas Sowell -
We can all agree that no American should lose their life savings or their home because of illness or injury and that the rising cost of health care severely burdens individuals, families and businesses.
Judd Gregg -
The sabbath is God's special present to the working man, and one of its chief objects is to prolong his life, and preserve efficient his working tone. The savings bank of human existence is the weekly sabbath.
William Blaikie
I still don't buy their argument about savings.
Anthony Principi -
I hate weekends because there is no stock market.
Rene Rivkin -
Trade balances are determined by national savings propensities, not exchange rates.
Steve Hanke -
Why is no one talking about all the potential savings from a complete economic collapse?
Eugene Mirman -
When employees are first eligible for a retirement savings plan, they should be enrolled unless they choose to opt out.
Richard Thaler -
With interest rates artificially low, consumers reduce savings in favor of consumption, and entrepreneurs increase their rates of investment spending.
Steve Hanke