Being Quotes
Some immensity of Being. It is to this that in reality all Nature points. The clouds, the skies, the greenery of earth, the myriad forms of vegetation at our feet, stir as these may the soul to its depths, they are but single chords in the orchestra of Life. It is the great paean of Being that Nature chants ... Through them it is that we detect the enormous but incomprehensible unity which underlies this incommensurable multiplicity. The wavelet's plash; the purl of the rill; the sough of the wind in the pines - these are but notes in the divine diapason of Life ... Alas, that so fear hear aught but a thin and scrannel sound!
Arnold Haultain
It's not enough to be sick and tired of something. You've got to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Andy Gilbert
We ought to be able to have dinner every now and again without the media being there.
Tom Atkins
Solitude is a wonderful thing in two ways. First, it allows a man to be with himself, and second, it prevents him being with others.
Paul Hoffman
The pleasure and the love of God for His creatures constitute the original state. His pleasure and love are the means by which He has brought His creatures into existence and are the cause of that bringing into existence. He who knows that he possesses neither being nor act rediscovers himself in that original state of pleasure and divine love.
Abdelkader El Djezairi
So after being with somebody for any number of days like that, you can't help but feel for them. You can't help them, but you certainly can root for them.
Winston Conrad Martindale
Everything's possible when you're seven years old." She sighed. "But then you hit an age where you decide it's cooler not to believe in anything at all.... It's called being grown-up.
Allan Frewin Jones
People who are following their dreams inspire me. I train at this relatively new gym in West Hollywood called Training Mate. It's owned by a former Australian football player named Luke Milton. The classes are mostly taught by other Australians that are just like Luke: fit, funny, cute, and approachable. Now they're talking about opening another location. He will open another location and be successful because he's following his dream. People like him inspire me because they make me think I can do it too.
Dayna Devon
I would urge you to give priority to the search for God. Allow his spirit to permeate your being. ... If you do not have a deep and patient faith in God, you will be powerless to face the delays, disappointments, and vicissitudes that inevitably come.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Being unique is what's cool. Normal? What's normal? A setting on a washing machine. No one wants to be that.
Ashley Purdy
Some of the joy in acting is switching it up: being able to do something that's different than what you've been doing.
Susan Kelechi Watson
Life is not easy. But that's not the only truth that matters in this context. It also happens to be true that it takes just as much effort to have a "bad life," in which you don't get what you want, as it does to have a "good life," where you do. So given the choice, why not go for the good life?
David Bach