Base Quotes
No love is entirely without worth, even when the frivolous calls to the frivolous and the base to the base.
When you do a remix, obviously you get a beautiful melody, you get the beautiful vocals - everything is already set up. You already have a base, which means all I gotta to do is create the music behind, 'cuz it's already beautiful.
The more I learn and read about the 10th Muse i realize what a great fan base and cult following she has. I'm going to try to live up to the fantastic image of the 10th Muse!
I love music; I come from a region of Kurdistan that is a base for music.
There should be an international lunar base. That is certainly doable.
Solo homers usually come with no one on base.
I always thought I should base how good I am on how good I feel I am.
Every form is a base for colour, every colour is the attribute of a form.
Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.
You can think negatively or positively. If you are a positive thinker, you will base your decisions on faith rather than fear.
Pantelion and Televisa can reach my core fan base better than anyone, and with the distribution expertise and brand recognition of Lionsgate, I know we can build on the crossover audience that we began to reach with 'Instructions.'
The high must make the low its base.
The wavering mind is but a base possession.
It's such a power base, but it's a dormant power base. But I don't care if they're documented or illegal, they are people. And when you want a community to work, you want all of the member of your community to flourish.
No. He's not. He doesn't have the base.
It's always frustrating when you leave people on base.
The economic base of a social formation, the infrastructure, includes the social relations of production the produce the material necessities of life. In doing so, it produces the superstructure, that is, ideology, belief, religion, and juridical controls.
That's why I'm very wise [in] the way I choose the remixes 'cuz I know that the song has to transcend well. You already have a base, instead of me just doing my own production and I don't have to start from scratch.
Thoroughly understand what it is to understand, and not only will you understand the broad lines of all there is to be understood but also you will possess a fixed base, an invariant pattern, opening upon all further developments of understanding.
I always like to start with a matte base then add shimmer.
You can't base your life's decisions on potential future regrets.
You must base the Wisdom on Love.
Should one continue to base one's life on a system of belief that-for all its occasional wisdom and frequent beauty-is demonstrably untrue?
The base of our party is commonsense conservatives. If the Republican Party gets back to that base, I think our party's going to be stronger and there's not going to be a need for a third party.