Modernity Quotes
The basic assumption of the secular society is that modernity overcomes religion.
Contemporary architects tend to impose modernity on something. There is a certain concern for history, but it's not very deep.
I love the Middle East. My earliest childhood memories are of Jerusalem. I love the colors and smells and cadence of Arabic spoken in the streets of Cairo or Beirut. I also love the modernity and verve of Tel Aviv.
Religion and modernity are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Modernity exists in the form of a desire to wipe out whatever came earlier, in the hope of reaching at least a point that could be called a true present, a point of origin that marks a new departure.
Modernity is the most transient of qualities.
Artists are looking for a new modernity that would be based on translation: What matters today is to translate the cultural values of cultural groups and to connect them to the world network. This “reloading process” of modernism according to the twenty-first-century issues could be called altermodernism, a movement connected to the creolisation of cultures and the fight for autonomy, but also the possibility of producing singularities in a more and more standardized world.
The risk climate of modernity is thus unsettling for everyone: no one escapes.
It is obvious that all sense has gone out of modern marriage; which is, however, no objection to marriage but to modernity.
America was born modern; it did not have to achieve modernity, nor did it have modernity thrust upon it.
The scientific and societal achievements of the modern age are undisputable. But after the French Revolution, modernity increasingly emancipated itself from Christian roots, thereby becoming rootless itself.
Another Christian concept, no less crazy, has passed even more deeply into the tissue of modernity: the concept of the 'equality of souls before God.' This concept furnishes the prototype of all theories of equal rights.
To argue that the current extinction event could be averted if people just cared more and were willing to make more sacrifices is not wrong, exactly; still, it misses the point. It doesn’t much matter whether people care or don’t care. What matters is that people change the world. This capacity predates modernity.
Altermodern is an in-progress redefinition of modernity in the era of globalisation, stressing the experience of wandering in time, space and mediums. The term 'altermodern has its roots in the idea of 'other-ness (Latin alter = 'other, with English connotation of 'different) and suggests a multitude of possibilities, of alternatives to a single route. It suggests that the historical period defined by postmodernism is coming to an end, symbolised by global financial crises.
Instead, it was a Christianity engaged with modernity and postmodernity — grappling with its issues, sensitive to its questions and concerns, aware of its spiritual vacuum, in vital dialogue with its artistic and intellectual leaders. It was a “third-way” faith seeking to steer a course that would avoid defensive retreat and isolation on the one hand and capitulation and sellout on the other.
We are called to see that the Church does not adapt its thinking to the horizons that modernity prescribes for it but rather that it brings to those horizons the powerful antidote of God's truth. It is not the Word of God but rather modernity that stands in need of being demythologised.
The structure of my novels has nothing to do with the narrative mode of cinema. My novels would be very difficult to film without ruining them completely. I think this is the area where writers need to place ourselves: from a position of absolute modernity and contemporaneity, creating a culture of objects which cinema cannot.
“Modernity proclaims rights without in any way providing the means to exercise them.”
This modernizing experiment seems to have something diabolic about it. Everything that was becomes rejected in the name of a modernity that assumes the nature of a fiction, an illusion, a devilish apparition. To a greater or lesser extent this applies to all the postcommunist countries.
The visual possibility of seeing the historical person as opposed to the eternal Qur'anic man on screen is arguably the single most important event allowing Iranians access to modernity.
Modernity’s like a badly trained dog: try and make it heel, even for a moment, and it turns and bites the hand that fed it.
Modernity kills ghostly romance.
The critical method which denies literary modernity would appear - and even, in certain respects, would be - the most modern of critical movements.