Times Square Quotes
This race is hotter than a Times Square Rolex.
My mom was scared of the old Times Square so I was never allowed to go. Now I'm scared of the new Times Square, so I still never go.
I would roll up pennies to take the subway to work in Times Square. I was broke, but I was happy.
Greed, it ain't going anywhere. They should have that in a big billboard across Times Square. Without people you're nothing.
I kind of miss the old sleazy Times Square, in a way. And yet I don't mind not being accosted by all sorts of strange people.
If it would sell tickets, I'd stand on my head in the middle of Times Square at noon.
I don't mourn the old, romantic, dirty Times Square, although it was more unique.
I have great memories of the old Times Square - wouldn't have missed being here to see that place for the world - but I can also deal with the new Times Square in the overall scheme of N.Y. City 2010.