Inspection Quotes
An inspection of the Constitution will show that the right of property in a slave in not "distinctly and expressly affirmed" in it.
But I've sure worked at jobs where I have been under inspection.
A periodic tune-up of our personal priorities and a regular safety inspection of the direction and desired destination of our lives help insure us against major temporal, emotional, and spiritual breakdowns.
On inspection, Gaudi's architecture isn't whimsical at all.
Most don't last past 50 on the job. They'll move on to building inspection or another related field.
It's hard to be the first. It's almost as if I'm subject to a different level of inspection.
Of all American cities of whatever size the most friendly on preliminary inspection, and on further acquaintance the most likable. The happiest-hearted, the gayest, the most care-free city on this continent.
Mrs. Goldenthal's twin boys, Alex and Erno, were our age, and I discovered that they had been selected at Auschwitz for Mengele's experiments like us. Mrs. Goldenthan had stayed with them, and I found out later that she had hidden a younger child, Margarita, underneath her long skirt. She had come into the camp with the child hidden in her dress and during her entire stay there, even in the Nazi barracks where she had kept Margarita under the mattress during inspections, she and the other women had helped conceal the child.
My first coaching instructor said to me: show no fear, Ernstl! On closer inspection, the occasional raging bull turns out to be no more than a little ox.
The U.S. has perverted the U.N. weapons process by using it as a tool to justify military actions, falsely so. ... The U.S. was using the inspection process as a trigger for war.
When it comes to acid rain or oil spills or depleted fisheries or tainted groundwater or fluorocarbon propellants or radiation leaks or sexually transmitted diseases, national frontiers are simple irrelevant. Toxins don't stop for customs inspections and microbes don't carry passports. North America became a water and free-trade zone long before NAFTA loosened up the market in goods.
The big bang, the most cataclysmic event we can imagine, on closer inspection appears finely orchestrated.
These vessels are out of sight, out of mind. They are exempt from minimum-wage requirements, from Coast Guard inspections, OSHA regulations and other safety laws.
Operation Rockingham was spinning reports and emphasizing reports that showed non-compliance (by Iraq with UN inspections) and quashing those which showed compliance. It was cherry-picking intelligence.
Although Customs and Border Protection analyzes cargo and other information to target specific shipments for closer inspection, it still physically inspects only a small fraction of the containers under its purview.
With Tommy, gift-giving is an art form. Whatever he bestows on you is more likely than not going to be something absurd and cheap and tacky, but the way he offers it always makes you feel as if you were receiving an oblation. I don’t know how he does it. It’s a bizarre kind of magic; he somehow makes you believe that the useless thing in his outstretched hands is actually a chunk of his heart that he’s torn out, just for you. He holds it up for your inspection, and it glows between his fingers like a candle in a cave. And as if that weren’t enough, he makes it absolutely clear that he doesn’t want anything in return, not even your gratitude, so all you can do is stand there with a stupefied look on your face and humbly accept what he’s vouchsafing you.
The psychedelics are this immense tool for the inspection of our own nature.
We've got a good inspection system in Arizona managing products that come from other parts of the county that could carry insects that could become problematic.