Capitol Quotes
This is the voice of Vietnam Broadcasting from Hanoi, capitol of the Democratic republic of Vietnam.
With almost no time to decide, they your loved ones gave the entire country an incalculable gift. They saved the capitol from attack. They saved God knows how many lives. They saved the terrorists from claiming the symbolic victory of smashing the center of American government. And they did it as citizens. They allowed us to survive as a country that could fight terror and still maintain liberty and still welcome people from all over the world from every religion and race and culture as long as they shared our values, because ordinary people given no time at all to decide did the right thing.
Talking about Korea, it has pretty high capital ratios at banks and maintains a good credit rating.
He will come up to the Capitol, as far as we know right now, by a procession probably Wednesday morning and lie in state at the Capitol Rotunda on Wednesday and Thursday, and, we think, a funeral at the National Cathedral on Friday.
I started with Bobby Darin. He signed me to Capitol when I was 15. I was 14, getting ready to be 15. Then the next encounter I had was with I think Peggy Lee. I sang background with The Blossoms with Darlene Love.
The Capitol serves as a beacon of American liberty, freedom and democracy, and Rosa Parks served as the mother of the America we grew to be.
What stuns me most about contemporary politics is not even that the system has been so badly corrupted by money. It is that so few people get the connection between their lives and what the bozos do in Washington and our state capitols.
The beginning of the decline of the Republic was the day they air-conditioned the Capitol.
I don't know if anybody can second-guess what they will do on Capitol Hill.
Welcome to the U.S. Capitol: Watch for falling expectations.
Initially, I had two thoughts. First, this is a very large conspiracy; and second, our children in Washington. We knew there were a few unidentified planes that may have been headed for the White House or the Capitol Building.