Convent Quotes
I was in a convent for a year.
Among their blameworthy excesses, pride of place must go to enclosing innocent women within convent walls under apparently holy (but really wicked) pretexts. Men dare to endanger free will, bestowed on men and women alike by Divine Majesty; they force women to dwell in life-long prisons, although guilty of no fault other than being born the weaker sex.
The convent is supreme egotism resulting in supreme self-denial.
Come, come, whoever you are, come. Infidel, idolator, Wanderer, fire-worshipper, it doesn't matter, come. Ours is not a convent of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times, Come, come again.
The heart of a girl is like a convent--the holier the cloister, the more charitable the door.