Lemons Quotes
In all my work, I try to say - 'You may be given a load of sour lemons, why not try to make a dozen lemon meringue pies?'
I have a friend who swears by food combinations - have you heard of this nonsense? She's nuts. She's like, 'You know what? You should eat food combinations, and that way you can eat whatever you want. It's just the combinations of how you put the food together.' And then her examples are like, 'You wouldn't want to eat steak and potatoes together, but you could have, like, a lemon rind and raisin skins - not the whole raisin, take the skins and steam them.
It's one thing to make lemonade out of lemons, another to proclaim that lemons are what you'd hope for in the first place.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and sell it to all of those who get thirsty from complaining.
We cut up lemons on a chop board because they are good for our voices.
Then there's your diet. You cut out sugars, fat, soy sauces... anything that's nice. Tea and coffee is replaced by boiling water with lemon. It's amazing how quickly you get into it. There's also herbal tea and a lot of water, obviously... about two litres a day.
The fly in her argument is that when she says, 'they' will feel like lemons, we don't know who 'they' are. And 'they' might BE lemons.
Being a singer now I have to get all fussy... I must have my ginger and lemon and all that.
If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.
My father...made us shop at Goodwill. I found things to wear and got Best Dressed (in the yearbook) two years in a row. I had lemons, so I made lemonade.
I never was much of an oyster eater, nor can I relish them 'in naturalibus' as some do, but require a quantity of sauces, lemons, cayenne peppers, bread and butter, and so forth, to render them palatable.
Lemons clean everything. It's the greatest disinfectant.
I was of the “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, then wonder why life didn’t give you freaking sugar so you could drink the stuff” school of thought.
When life gives you lemons, throw them back.
If life hands you lemons,keep them. Because, hey, free lemons.-T-Shirt
The citric acid in lemon juice makes it perfect for bleaching, disinfecting and cutting through grease. And olive oil is a great alternative to furniture polish.
When life gives you lemons, order the lobster tail.
When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.
Violets smell like burnt sugar cubes that have been dipped in lemon and velvet.
When life hands me lemons I hand them back and pick something else.
Quantum mechanics is just completely strange and counterintuitive. We can't believe that things can be here in one place and there in another place at the same time. And yet that's a fundamental piece of quantum mechanics. So then the question is, life is dealing us weird lemons, can we make some weird lemonade from this?
A red apple isn't red, nor the lemon yellow. The sky is seldom blue, only when it isn't.
It's what I'll be singing in the morning. It won't be God Save the Ruddy King or All Things bleeding Bright and Beautiful. It'll be Orange and Lemons for Big Joe, for all of us.