Americans Quotes
In a sense, all Americans are battle-born. Our ancestors came here for something better.
Brandon Flowers
The Killers
Americans are very big about loving the dog first, so when you tell them you have to set rules and limitations, a lot of people believe it's going to hurt their feelings. They're actually looking for you to be the pack leader.
Cesar Millan
Most Americans probably aren't aware that there was a time in this country when tanks and cavalry were massed on Pennsylvania Avenue to chase away the unemployed.
Andy Grove
I have always fancied that the end of the world will be when some enormous boiler, heated to three thousand millions of atmospheric pressure, shall explode and blow up the globe. ... The Americans are great boilermakers.
Jules Verne
The Americans as a nation are killing themselves with their vices and high living. As much as a man ought to eat in half an hour they swallow in three minutes gulping down their food like the dog under the table which when a chunk of meat is thrown down to it swallows it before you can say 'twice.' If you want a reform carry out the advice I have just given you. Dispense with your multitudinous dishes, and, depend upon it, you will do much towards preserving your families from sickness, disease and death.
Brigham Young
In fact, the best thing we could do on taxes for all Americans is to simplify the individual tax code. This will be a tough job, but members of both parties have expressed an interest in doing this, and I am prepared to join them.
Barack Obama
This Campaign will provide a voice for Americans who believe in both a free church and a free state. We want religious liberty free from interference from the government and a free government that does not become an instrument for imposing religious beliefs on people who do not share them. That is what the founders of America meant to insure when they separated church from state.
Ira Glasser
It may be taken for granted that, rash as the Americans are, when they are prudent there is good reason for it.
Jules Verne
it is only on posters and in advertisement pages that Americans have those chubby cheeks, expanding smiles, smooth looks, and faces flushed with well-being. In fact, almost all are at odds with themselves; drink offers a remedy for this inner malady of which boredom is the most usual sign: as drinking is accepted by society, it does not appear as a sign of their Americans' inability to adapt themselves; it is rather the adapted form of inadaptability.
Simone de Beauvoir
...I'm saying that we (Americans) have sunk pretty low and I'm saying that you can look at the moral climate in Germany in 1933. We have to ask ourselves if we found ourselves in Nazi Germany, what would we do. Now I say, let the inspection process take its course.
David Clennon
When Europeans arrived on this continent, they blew it with the Native Americans. They plowed over them, taking as much as they could of their land and valuables, and respecting almost nothing about the native cultures. They lost the wisdom of the indigenous peoples-wisdom about the land and connectedness to the great web of life...We have another chance with all these refugees. People come here penniless but not cultureless. They bring us gifts. We can synthesize the best of our traditions with the best of theirs. We can teach and learn from each other to produce a better America.
Mary Pipher
House passes #dadt (don't ask don't tell) repeal. A step fwd on equality 4 gay Americans in military. History will judge those who tried 2 block passage on this.
Frank Pallone
We are all American. If we believe that we are Americans, if we believe that what binds us together is what we have in common, then it must include the common language, and that common tongue is English.
Ernest Istook
Americans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head on stage. They get a bright bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don't get it. I'm 24 years old, I've got a load a money, what am I gonna do, sit at home and twiddle me thumbs? No. I'm gonna go out and 'ave it.
Liam Gallagher
Buddhism has become a socially recognized religious philosophy for Americans, whereas it used to be considered an exotic religion.
Thurston Moore
Sonic Youth
I like Americans. They always make an effort when they meet you. They want to be liked and to like you; it is always easy to be with them.
Maria Schell
Americans around the country who came forward to make my 'bucket list' dream come true.
Brittany Maynard
As every faith teaches us -- and as presidents from Lincoln to Roosevelt to Reagan to Clinton have reminded us -- we must as Americans, try to see our nation not just through our own eyes, but through the eyes of others.
Joe Lieberman