Next Day Quotes
You know, one day you make putts and the next day you don't.
Nothing is an accident: it's always someone's fault; perhaps-but no one teaches us how to live with our mistakes. Everyone is isolated, alone with his or her anguish and guilt, and too penetrating a question can mean people are not able to face one another the next day.
The HARDEST PART about BREAKING UP is the next day, opening your notebook only you see I LOVE YOU scribbled all over.
Happiness that depends mainly on physical pleasure is unstable; one day it's there, the next day it may not be.
Women, despite the fact that nine out of ten of them go through life with a death-bed air either of snatching-the-last-moment or with martyr-resignation, do not die tomorrow--or the next day. They have to live on to any one of many bitter ends.
All is going well so far. There are some remarks here and there and there are some complaints here and there but we expect to resolve those questions or complaints Sunday and the next day.
You don't gamble to win. You gamble so you can gamble the next day.
His insistence, George had made reservations for a flight the next day.
I never felt like that in my life. I didn't know human beings played these instruments. I heard them in Chicago and Louisville and St. Louis all my life, you know? But I didn't know human beings played them, you know? So the next day I went to Coontz Junior High School and I started on sousaphone, tuba, B-flat baritone, E-flat alto, French horn, trombone.
I always wanted to be someone better the next day than I was the day before.
Some days you feel like you've had the greatest ego massage, then the next day you've been trampled on.
One plays at being immortal and after a few weeks one doesn't even know whether or not one can hang on till the next day.
If you fall off track and scarf down an unhealthy meal, that's fine. Eat better the next meal-not the next day.