Receive Quotes
Your greatest power is to show love, to receive love and to be love.
The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.
When you receive God's love and encouragement, it will empower you to do more than you ever thought possible.
The amount of God's love is unlimited, but we only receive as much as we use.
A successful man is he who receives a great deal from his fellow men, usually incomparably more than corresponds to his service to them. The value of a man, however, should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.
Those who act receive the prizes.
Good prayers never come creeping home. I am sure I shall receive either what I ask, or what I should ask.
Realize that the Lord is here now, and the freedom you receive is immediate.
It is nothing won to admit men with an open door, and to receive them with a shut and reserved countenance.
We receive His peace when we ask Him for it. We keep His peace by extending it to others. Those are the keys and there are no others.
I love to travel the world. My husband and I always travel and everywhere we go I've been to Italy, of course London, Ireland, and you just receive so much love.
Man can only receive what he sees himself receiving.
There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.
Growing up, I didn't receive the representation that I wanted so badly. I was always looking out for black characters - black women - that were specifically just about existing and weren't necessarily racialized or were centered around race.
Knapsack of the Metaphysicians.- Those who boast so mightily of the scientificality of their metaphysics should receive no answer; it is enough to pluck at the bundle which, with a certain degree of embarrassment, they keep concealed behind their back; if one succeeds in opening it, the products of that scientificality come to light, attended by their blushes: a dear little Lord God, a nice little immortality, perhaps a certain quantity of spiritualism, and in any event a whole tangled heap of 'wretched poor sinner' and Pharisee arrogance.
People fail to understand that unless they are themselves willing to give, they will never receive.
I consider not what Parmenio should receive, but what Alexander should give.
Immortality is conditional, and only those who receive Christ as lord and savior will live eternally.
The richest hearts are those that have given love and received love in return.
I will not wage war against women and children! I have instructed my air force to limit their attacks to military objectives. However, if the enemy should conclude from this that he might get away with waging war in a different manner he will receive an answer that he'll be knocked out of his wits!
Stretch out your hand and receive the world's wide gift of joy, appreciation and beauty.
In the Kabbala, it says that we receive the light in order to impart the light, and thus we repair the world.
Even a poor man can receive honors.
If your virtue is especially radiant, it can be possible to open a pathway to the subtle realm and receive these celestial teachings directly from the immortals.