Other Guys Quotes
One little secret of the guys who have won one slam, is that we don't want other guys to win one because its like a bit of a special fraternity.
Camouflage doesn't help when the other guy is willing to defoliate the whole jungle.
Nobody's dumb in this relationship [with his wife] or in the relationships of any of the other guys in the band. But it's also not the cliché that those on the outside envision.
I'll meet a guy now, and the next thing I know they'll be sweating and their hands will be shaking. And I feel so bad - I don't even know what to say to them. Then there are other guys who come on too strong, and they're just all over you. The nice ones are the ones who are in-between - the ones who aren't scared and who aren't all over you.
The Unsuccessful Salesperson says, the other guy has the best territory. The Successful Salesperson says, every territory is the best one. The Unsuccessful Salesperson says, that company will never buy. The Successful Salesperson says, I can make that company buy.