Find Out Quotes
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.
J. R. R. Tolkien -
I am racking my brains to find out why he left without saying goodby to me.
Eva Braun
The only way to find out if you can write is to set aside a certain period every day and try. Save enough money to give yourself six months to be a full-time writer. Work every day and the pages will pile up.
Judith Krantz -
I am trying to find out why a subject does look so marvelous, and trying to make that sensation manifest on a flat surface.
Euan Uglow -
If you do have limitations, then you have to find out what they are. And if you find out what they are and avoid them, then they aren't limiting anymore.
Nick Nolte -
If we sell out that game. That's a loud message. We're just trying to find out if these people are serious or not.
George Shinn -
Listen, sometimes when you finally find out, you realize that you were much better off not knowing.
Audrey Niffenegger -
It was previously a question of finding out whether or not life had to have a meaning to be lived. It now becomes clear on the contrary that it will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.
Albert Camus
You have to wait until tomorrow to find out what tomorrow will bring.
Haruki Murakami -
I didn't write because I had anything to say, but in order to find out what there was to say.
Eugene H. Peterson -
Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.
Steven Pressfield -
Knowing is NOT the most important thing. To be able to FIND OUT is more important than knowing.
Sugata Mitra -
At every moment of our lives we should be trying to find out, not in what we differ with other people, but in what we agree with them.
John Ruskin -
Tell me or I'll yell for Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, and you can find out how bex became bex.
Ally Carter