Attitudes are the forerunners of conditions.
The more facts you tell, the more you sell. An advertisement's chance for success invariably increases as the number of pertinent merchandise facts included in the advertisement increases.
What we're trying to do is set the bar a little bit higher. This has been a very contentious, very emotional (issue).
It took him 45 minutes to say his prayers in the morning. He mentioned everyone by name and his concerns with them. He had to schedule time to pray because he didn't feel it appropriate to just mention them as a group.
Anybody down 2-0 going into half-time must be concerned. At the same time I tried my best not to panic, but to look at the changes we need to make to swing the game our way... I came up with four changes and that changed the game tremendously,
For students in Iowa, I think it sends the wrong message. I think it undermines our credibility when in one area we have the authority to set standards, we have such a minimum that is, in my opinion, embarrassing.
I've read until my eyes were bleeding. I don't know what more could be said. This is not a black-and-white issue.
It's like 'What's an atom? What's an element?' ... Teachers feel like we need to hit the basics before we move on to something like the periodic table.
As a longtime follower of our state university system, we're always behind the curve. We always react to problems. We don't look to solve those problems before they occur.
It is going to be a challenge for them, there is no doubt in my mind. But if they run the operation professionally and with Iowans in mind, I think they have a shot.
'Be comfortable with who you are', reads the headline on the Hush Puppies poster. Are they mad? If people were comfortable with who they were, they'd never buy any products except the ones they needed, and then where would the advertising industry be?
I think it's silly. Losing those seats for teams like the Yankees and Angels, they'll lose revenue. They're going to choke themselves. I think Lew Wolff is a good owner, but I don't think closing the upper deck is going to do it for them.
I think it would be barely satisfactory from the strong message I got from (Vilsack), but we're trying to come up with something that a majority of the board could agree on.
By the end of the year, everyone will forget about the whole situation. The lacrosse team will get back going, and everything will be back to normal.