I care deeply about journalism, but we need to be a business.
My grandmother knew J.F.K. and L.B.J. That was her world. I enjoy meeting interesting people. But that's not my world.
My mother doesn't cook; my grandmother didn't cook. Her kids were raised by servants. They would joke about Sunday night dinner. It was the only night she would cook, and apparently it was just horrendous, like scrambled eggs and Campbell's soup.
I don't feel like my job is to be beloved.
I certainly hope to be a great publisher, and if people want to love me, too, that's even better.
It's not like I pretend the past doesn't exist or that I'm not proud to be a part of it.
We're no longer a newspaper in the morning, we're a 24/7 newspaper organization.
The way I live is really me.
Moderate to conservative Democrat. But I'm not going to impose my views on the editorial page.
Hillary Clinton famously talked about how raising a child takes a village. Except our society isn't set up that way. We're organized in nuclear units, and a single mom can ask her friends only so many times for help picking up the kids.
People assume that I came back to Washington because of the 'Post', but the truth is less romantic. I came back for a job.
I think I felt like a regular kid. Growing up in New York, I never felt I was a big deal.
I don't personally feel that I have to save democracy and journalism.
Women are often meeker in meetings and afraid to ask for raises and promotions. I've told countless female colleagues to stop apologizing when they ask for more. It's not personal, it's business.