Being an actor is not like any other job. It's not easy.
So many of the people who I played opposite, or just worked with, became friends forever.
My family was very loving but also very superstitious. My mother was always telling us, 'Don't walk under a ladder or you'll have bad luck,' or, 'If you spill salt, be sure and toss a pinch over your shoulder, or you're in trouble.'
Superstitions actually played a big role in my life. I wouldn't even go on a casting call if I had a hunch that it was an 'unlucky' day.
You can take wonderfully talented actors, wonderfully talented writers and producers, and, uh, do a wonderful show!... but if it doesn't hit with the public in two minutes, it's bye-bye.
I know I was influenced by Beatrice Lillie. I must have been.