When I testified before Congress after the Hudson River landing, Congressman James Oberstar of Minnesota said, 'Safety begins in the boardroom.' That's as true in medicine as it is in aviation. It always boils down to leadership.
The economic tsunami has hit all airline employees. With the 2001 terror attacks, airline bankruptcies, pension terminations, loss of pay, changes in work rules - we're all working harder and longer than we used to.
My father volunteered in early 1941, before Pearl Harbor, and became an officer in the U.S. Navy. As I was growing up, he taught me the responsibility of command: A leader is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the welfare of people under his or her care. That was a deeply felt obligation in his generation.
Each generation of pilots hopes that they will leave their profession better off than they found it.
One of the things I teach my children is that I have always invested in myself, and I have never stopped learning, never stopped growing.
I've missed half or two-thirds of my children's lives.
My wife Lorrie actually looked in the dictionary to see what the definition was of heroism because it had been used so much. She found at least one definition is someone who chooses to put themselves at risk to save another.
In the bad old days, captains were not good leaders. They didn't build teams; they were arrogant and autocratic.
You know, I think when people are in important positions in big organizations, they often get tied up with the minutia of managing money, managing things. They often forget that people deserve to be led.
I went from living my life anonymously for 58 years to being a public figure known globally in a matter of minutes.
I try to work out, time permitting, wherever I am.
I have a varied collection of music on my phone. I like a lot of the popular music that has a really energetic beat to it, as well as some classical things.
My mother was a first-grade teacher, so I credit her with this lifelong intellectual curiosity I have, and love of reading and learning.
Every day we wake up, we have an opportunity to do some good, but there's so much bad that you have to navigate to get to the good.
After high school in 1969, I was appointed to the Air Force Academy. In '73, I studied for my postgraduate degree and became a USAF pilot in 1974. After my discharge in 1980, I became a commercial pilot and flew my first airline flight at Pacific Southwest Airlines in 1980.
I took my first flying lesson in 1967, when I was 16. By October 1968, I had 70 hours in the air and got my pilot's license.
People really are our most important resource, and people who don't realize that and choose not to live that way, choose not to lead that way, are paying a price for that in many of our companies, many of our organizations.
It's an important job to be the public face of something that gives people hope, and I take that seriously.
There's simply no substitute for experience in terms of aviation safety.
I'm less shy now than I was as a kid. After Flight 1549, my family and I had to become public figures and more complete versions of ourselves. I had to teach myself to become an effective public speaker.
I had never been so challenged in an airplane that I doubted the outcome.
Bigger airplanes, with two aisles instead of one, provide a better experience overall, and I think it's more comfortable.
It's amazing what you can learn to get used to.
It's almost an out of body experience to see things that First Officer Jeff Skiles and I said in the cockpit together, played by actors.