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Just as the traditional taxi system revolted against ride sharing, so too does the education establishment feel threatened by the rise of school choice.
My job isn't to win popularity contests.
Homeschooling represents another perfectly valid educational option.
President-elect Trump and I know it won't be Washington, D.C., that unlocks our nation's potential, nor a bigger bureaucracy, tougher mandates, or a federal agency. The answer is local control and listening to parents, students, and teachers.
If you ask any of my kids today what their most important experience was in their education, they would say it was the travel and the ability to see and be in other cultures.
My faith motivates me to really try to work on behalf of and advocate for those who are least able to advocate for themselves.
We can focus on differences that divide us, or we can choose to listen and learn from each other's experiences.
My family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican Party.
When it comes to education, no solution, not even ones we like, should be dictated or run from Washington, D.C.
I do support high standards, strong accountability, and local control.
Where conflicts are identified, they will be resolved.
I expect there will be more virtual schools.
You have to have teachers who are empowered to facilitate great teaching.
More and more parents are coming to realize their children are suffering at the hands of a system built to strangle any reform, any innovation, or any change. . . . This realization is becoming more evident as the momentum builds for an education revolution.
Teachers deserve more respect than many give them, and more opportunities than the system affords them today.
I expect there will be more private schools.
The bigger goal of giving all parents more choices is one that will have to be discussed and undoubtedly roundly debated, but we are going to have to continue to build the case. The momentum is there on the state level in many states. That's where the energy needs to be harnessed in a new way.
I'm proud to stand beside you as a partner and support Special Olympics - an important program that promotes leadership and empowers students to be agents of change.
Opening a complaint for investigation in no way implies that the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has made a determination about the merits of the complaint.
It would be fine with me to have myself worked out of a job, but I'm not sure that - I'm not sure that there will be a champion movement in Congress to do that.
If a parent chooses to go to a school that is not a public school, then that is a decision made and a contract made with that provider.
At what point do we accept the fact that throwing money at the problem isn't the solution?
That's where my heart has been for three decades is to really empower and allow all families the same kind of opportunities I've had for my kids.
If taxpayer money were limitless, we wouldn't need a budget at all.