At the present time man's path lies through space, and Suprematism is a colour metaphor in its infinite abyss. 1916
..to gather under a new banner.. ..that the poets of yesterday's Futurism change the means of battle with thought, content, and logic.. ..advance Alogism after Futurism.
Painting is the aesthetic side of the object but it has never been original, has never been its own goal.
Papuans bored, butCottage second-classTicket. Park. Arch.
The world as a sense, independent of the image, of the idea - this is the essence of the content of art. My square is not an image, just as a switch or socket are not the current. - Malevich
By Suprematism I mean the supremacy of pure feeling in creative art. To the Suprematist the visual phenomena of the objective world are, in themselves, meaningless; the significant thing is feeling.
..the art of futurism.. ..achieved great momentum in the first quarter of the Twentieth Century and remains a basic stimulus in the following forms of new art: Suprematism, Simultaneism, Purism, Odorism, Pankinetism, Tactilism, Haptism, Expressionism and Légerísm referring to Fernand Léger in the last ...ism, mentioned
The square is not a subconscious form. It is the creation of intuitive reason. The face of the new art. The square is a living, regal infant. The first step of pure creation in art.
Dynamism is also the forming formula for Futurists works; i.e. dynamism is the additional element that transforms the perception of one state of phenomena to another, for example, from a static to a dynamic perception.
Painters were also attorneys, happy storytellers of anecdote, psychologists, botanists, zoologists, archaeologists, engineers, but there were no creative painters.
I have broken the blue boundary of color limits, come out into the white, besides me comrade-pilots swim in this infinity. I have established the semaphore of Suprematism. I have beaten the lining of the colored sky, torn it away and in the sack that formed itself, I have put color and knotted it. Swim! The free white sea lies before you.
The principal element of Suprematism in painting, as in architecture, is its liberation from all social or materialist tendencies. Through Suprematism, art comes into its pure and unpolluted form. It has acknowledged the decisive fact of the nonobjective character of sensibility. It is no longer concerned with illusion.
We have rejected reason because we have found another reason that could be called trans-rational, which has its own law, construction and sense.. .This reason has found a way-Cubism-of expressing the object.
Tatlin does not transcend the confines of Cubism.
I have not invented anything, only the night I have sensed, and in it the new which I called Suprematism.
Man's skull represents the same infinity for the movement of conceptions. It is equal to the universe, for in it is contained all that sees in it. Likewise the sun and whole starry sky of comets and the sun pass in it and shine and move as in nature.. .Is not the whole universe that strange skull in which meteors, suns, comets and planets rush endlessly?
..that the overturning of the old world of arts will be etched across your 'palms' (recto)
Only when the habit of one's consciousness to see in paintings bits of nature, Madonna's and shameless nudes.. ..has disappeared, shall we see a pure painting composition. I have transformed myself into the nullity of forms and pulled myself out of the circle of things, out of the circle-horizon in which the artist and forms of nature are locked.
Matiushin's sound composer of the Futurist opera: 'Victory over the Sun', Malevich did the stage design shattered the object-word. The curtain was torn, by the same token tearing the scream of consciousness of the old brain. 1917
Everywhere there is craft and technique, everywhere there is artistry and form. Art itself, technique, is ponderous and clumsy, and because of it awkwardness it obstructs that inner element.. .All craft, technique, and artistry, like anything beautiful, results in futility and vulgarity. critical quote on Constructivism artists
I recommend the students that you should work actively at the Hermitage and study the artistic structures of Rubens, Rembrandt, Titian, Watteau, Poussin, and other painters, even Chardin, where he is an artist. Study very closely their dabbing manner of execution and try to copy a small piece of canvas, just one square inch.
I transformed myself in the zero of form and emerged from nothing to creation, that is, to Suprematism, to the new realism in painting – to non-objective creation.
I paint energy, not the soul.
It is the experience of the speed of a plane, which was looking for an expression, a form and this caused the plane to come into existence. The plane was not built to take letters from Berlin to Moscow, but to give expression to the irresistible urge to create a form for the experience of speed.