Becoming a mom made me more contentious about expressing my true taste.
I'm not aware of too many things. I know what I know if you know what I mean.
A lot of the songs start with an image. I was sitting there playing the guitar and I pictured this old, dirty green car, with the window rolled down, in the hot, hot, hot Texas heat, and this beautiful woman I knew when I was a kid sitting behind the wheel, looking out at me.
When I look at my kids, and the ease with which they pick up music, I wish I had that.
But when it came to jamming and writing songs like we used to, we realized Brandon was a huge spirit in the band. Who knew? It was just something we had to learn.
Geffen was never supportive of the band.
But who cares? I can honestly look back and realize that everything happened for a reason. Everything that fell apart has fallen back into place beautifully and magically.
We didn't rehearse or play the songs to death before we recorded them, and that let us catch a freshness and energy level we've never really felt while making records.
You feel like a prisoner if you don't create. You're jailed up inside of yourself.
I think the New Bohemians' inability to say no was a big part of our problem.
He made me mess the song up when I looked at him... We can show the kids the tape and say, 'Look, that's when we first laid eyes on each other.'
I can make dressing - or stuffing. Y'all call it stuffing up here, we call it dressing down there. It's really good dressing. That family recipe was passed on, and I love to make that.
You can look back at anything and wish you'd done something differently.
I don't believe in hatred anymore. I hate to think of how it felt before When anger overwhelms your very soul It's hard to realize you'll ever knowLove like we do.
All your thoughts are in another head. Your dreams are sleepin' in a different bed. The force that moves you is a circular breath of life and death going round and round and round.
I hope I'm better today than I was yesterday. I don't believe in glory days or anything like that, so I think the best is tomorrow or later this afternoon!
If it turns out to be a hit, well, good luck dealing with fame. And if it's not a hit and you can still survive and make music you believe in, well, then you're truly blessed. I think that's where we are now.
You're just playing, playing, playing, and then an image or something will come into your mind, and basically you're just narrating it with music, letting it move along.
But I really love music, and having a creative outlet is really the best thing you can do for yourself.
My son writes songs and plays. He sings like an angel.
Maybe you ride a different wave. Maybe you catch another ray of the sun That I've just begun to feel.
I have taken the marshmallows off the sweet potatoes, however. They would make a big pan of sweet potatoes and cover it with marshmallows. My kids would love it if I would do that for them!
The village idiots in her bed Never cared that her eyes were red Never cared that her brain was dead. In the hours that her face was alive It was a thing just to be by her side.
We were too young to know better, and none of us were very aggressive people. It would have helped a lot if just one of us had been aggressive enough to say no.