I have to live my books before I write them.
You never cash out a 401(k) or IRA to pay off debt, unless it's to avoid a foreclosure or bankruptcy.
You need some quick wins in order to stay pumped enough to get out of debt completely.
I've got a young man who works for me who says you don't need to discover your dreams - you need to recover them.
I really am not a gold fan.
You've got to tell your money what to do or it will leave.
As much as I want to help people, I had to accept the fact long ago that being stupid with money isn't illegal.
Life will not make allowance for you, but it will pay you what you earn.
My children were taught at an early age how money works and that it comes from hard work. They've been on a commission - not an allowance - since they were little. They learned that if they worked around the house, they got paid. If they didn't work, they didn't get paid.
You don't need credit.