At the end of the day, I think Donald Trump will be the great unifier of the Democratic Party.
We who reject Trump's bankrupt leadership must heal old wounds, reorient ourselves, and embrace common goals. And if there is one thing on which we can all agree, it's this: we cannot concede any ground.
It's important to know where candidates for president are getting their ideas. Where do these ideas come from, who funds them and who is shaping our political discussion? These are all questions that are important to a healthy democracy.
I was one of the most visible and vocal advocates of Secretary Hillary Clinton.
You never discount a demagogue.
I didn't wake up one day and say, you know, 'Supply-side economics doesn't make sense.'
From 1994 to 1996, I turned over every rock in Little Rock, looking for a silver bullet that would take down the Clintons in time for the 1996 election.
I want to have a media platform that is an honest broker and not just a mouthpiece for a political party.
When you imagine the Koch brothers, it's hard not to think of the 1983 film 'Trading Places,' which featured as its villains a pair of brothers, commodity brokers named Randolph and Mortimer Duke.
Writing at the 'American Spectator' in the 1990s, we threw everything we thought would stick at President Clinton.
I made the apologies that needed to be made, and so I didn't feel that Media Matters was a continuing form of saying I was sorry.
Our nation marches closer to Trumpism each day, a path paved with reckless Tweets and the normalization of the ugly and the absurd.
I want an audience that's passionate, that can be engaged.
When I wrote the Anita Hill book I believed everything I wrote was accurate.
I'm comfortable on the progressive side. But I'm still more pitched at fighting the Right than I am about building a progressive platform for the future. It's fair to say that that conversation doesn't interest me as much.
We have a moral responsibility to stand up to Donald Trump, and that's what we're going to do.
I have conservative relatives. I maintain some relationships with some conservatives going back to the 1990s... Not in any meaningful way.
I'm a former, living, breathing, right-wing conspirator.
I've been interested in watching the level of conservative misinformation that circulates through the media.
The GOP's policies are not designed to help the middle class. They are designed to help their wealthy, powerful friends and donors under the misguided idea that wealth will one day trickle down.
I'm kind of a builder of institutions. I think I've got some ability to look at what's out here, look at a playing field, and identify gaps and niches.
There was a slow-motion swift boating of Hillary Clinton in '15.
Trump's rise to power, fueled by hatred and portending crisis, threatens to eviscerate our constitutional system of government.
I was a bad journalist.