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There are lots of families who - who make irresponsible purchases. There are also a lot of families who have debt on credit cards because they use those credit cards to pay for medical bills.
Elizabeth Warren -
I held my father's hand while he died of cancer, and it's really painful when you do something like that up close and personal. My mother was already gone, and I was very, very close to my father.
Elizabeth Warren
In the 1960s, a minimum wage job would keep a family of three afloat.
Elizabeth Warren -
I made it real clear to the business community - if your plan for innovation is to trick people, is to fool them, is not to tell them the truth about the price, then you're right: I'm going to be right in the way.
Elizabeth Warren -
There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.
Elizabeth Warren -
I grew up in a family that nearly lost everything, but I ended up in the United States Senate because I grew up in an America that invested in kids like me and built a real future for us.
Elizabeth Warren -
The women who file for bankruptcy played by all the rules, but they are still in economic freefall.
Elizabeth Warren -
I learned early on what debt means, how vulnerable it makes people, what the security of owning a home means.
Elizabeth Warren
No matter how good a deal sounds, if your name goes on the bottom line, you need to understand it and be sure you'll be able to pay. You are responsible for yourself forever. Forever.
Elizabeth Warren -
Raising the minimum wage means we have workers paying more in to support the Social Security system.
Elizabeth Warren -
The poor pay more, and that's one of the reasons people get trapped at the bottom of the economic ladder.
Elizabeth Warren -
I hear all this, you know, 'Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever.' No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own - nobody.
Elizabeth Warren -
Some economists estimate that for every family that goes bankrupt, there are about 15 more who are in the same amount of financial trouble and would profit from bankruptcy but just haven't filed.
Elizabeth Warren -
It doesn't make me happy to go back and talk about how great high school was.
Elizabeth Warren
President Obama believes in a level playing field.
Elizabeth Warren -
Groupthink can become a serious issue - old ideas stay around after they're useful, and new ideas too often don't get a fair hearing.
Elizabeth Warren -
The core of my career is my teaching and my writing.
Elizabeth Warren -
If your plan is to put a product out there that people can see and understand, then by golly, we're going to get along just fine.
Elizabeth Warren -
I loved teaching, but every day that I went to work, I carried the worry that I was hurting my kids because I wasn't at home with them.
Elizabeth Warren -
You can't predict it all. People will tell you to plan things out as best you can. They will tell you to focus. They will tell you to follow your dreams. They will all be right.
Elizabeth Warren
I had a baby and stayed home for a couple of years, and I was really casting about, thinking, 'What am I going to do?' My husband's view of it was, 'Stay home... We'll have more children; you'll love this.' And I was very restless about it.
Elizabeth Warren -
When people feel like, 'Lenders weren't fair with me; I don't have any responsibility to be fair with them.' If we go far enough down that line, much of the fabric of our economy starts to unravel.
Elizabeth Warren -
Republicans say they don't believe in government. Sure they do. They believe in government to help themselves and their powerful friends.
Elizabeth Warren -
Americans are fighters. We're tough, resourceful and creative, and if we have the chance to fight on a level playing field, where everyone pays a fair share and everyone has a real shot, then no one - no one can stop us.
Elizabeth Warren