God's Word will never fall into disrepair. But here's what happens when we don't travel on it: We fall into disrepair!
There is nothing God doesn't know about your life. You may know the past and present, but God also knows the future. Choose today to walk securely - not in what you know, but in what you believe.
When the peace of God follows the purity of God's wisdom into our hearts and lives, it will affect those around us.
The Bible tells us that whenever we come before God, whatever our purpose or prayer request, we are always to come with a thankful heart.
If your mind is filled with the Word of God, then it can't be filled with impure thoughts.
Share the Gospel. According to the Bible, it is every believer's privilege and responsibility to share the Gospel. If we understand what lies ahead for those who do not know Christ, there will be a sense of urgency in our witness.
Our ownership in Christ is documented in the Word of God, and our names are registered in the Lamb's Book of Life.
I believe the sense of lost opportunity is rooted in a faulty understanding of God's grace. Likewise, when grace is grasped and embraced, the Land of Opportunity becomes yours again.
Our impulses toward instant gratification aren't to be trusted. Hoarding our resources isn't a worthy goal. We're created with eternity in our hearts, and our lives have everlasting value.
We are reflectors, and as reflectors we have one duty and that is to stay clean or we won't reflect Jesus.
In reading our newspapers today, we can see how God is setting the table, getting everything in order, preparing the way for Christ to return.
We are sometimes tempted to believe the lie that God does not love us. Thankfully the Bible is filled with evidence that this is not true.
Prayer is the hard-work business of Christianity, and it nets amazing results.
But evil has been around since the Garden of Eden, and God's plan for victory was designed before the world began. The Bible tells us to fear no evil.
There is a sense in which the Christian's life on earth is a dress rehearsal for heaven. Not in terms of costumes and theatrics, but in terms of worship and devotion to the One we will worship for all eternity - the Lamb who sits on the throne of heaven.
The happiest people I know are those who have an obsession to the obedience of God.
Worship is God's way of giving us an opportunity to shift our focus from our own concerns, problems, and circumstances to the way things are in heaven.
Grace means forgiveness-period.
When our lives are filled with peace, faith and joy, people will want to know what we have.
God appeared to His people in the Old Testament and dwelt with His people in the New - and now abides in us by His Spirit.
Live as a credible witness. If our actions don't line up with the message we're proclaiming, we risk losing our credibility.
God is faithful and true. Confess your inability and His ability, and keep your eyes on Him.
Evangelism was not a program in the Jerusalem church; it was a way of life. The believers' lives and behaviors created such favor with the population of Jerusalem that people we drawn to the Lord.
If you have put your faith in Christ and have spent significant time in the Word of God, the tough times can be like a magnet that draws you to the Lord Jesus. Nothing is going to happen - ever - that will catch Jesus Christ by surprise. He is able to help His children work through anything, and not a single thing is going to happen in the future that can change that fact.