When we take voice lessons from the Master, we learn to speak with tenderness.
David Jeremiah -
All the Christmas presents in the world are worth nothing without the presence of Christ.
David Jeremiah
As you read the Word of God today, read it with expectancy and anticipation for the changes it will make in you.
David Jeremiah -
People crave encouragement, and sometimes the greatest encouragement is the writing of words that endure. Perhaps you can pen a note of affirmation and approval to someone today.
David Jeremiah -
To avoid the trap of the Pharisees, we've got to guard the interconnection between our thoughts and our attitudes.
David Jeremiah -
It's not that your most important work is meaningless; it's that your most trivial movements are also significant.
David Jeremiah -
In today's America He (Jesus) has moved from the central figure of world history to source material for late-night comics and pundits who would not dare treat other religious leaders with such disrespect.
David Jeremiah -
If Jesus can live in you and you are no different than the world around you, something got short circuited because Jesus makes a difference.
David Jeremiah
It's not going to happen through technology or our intellectual abilities but only through prayer. When we pray, God works. We believe God blesses churches that bless missions.
David Jeremiah -
God is unlimited and infinite with respect to time; He is eternal. God is unlimited and unaffected by space; He is present everywhere at the same time.
David Jeremiah -
Jesus says that those who live by God's forgiveness must imitate it. A person whose only hope is that God will not hold his faults against him forfeits his right to hold others' faults against them.
David Jeremiah -
It's true the Holy Spirit alone can reproduce the character of our Lord Jesus, and we must always abide in Christ. But the Bible also makes us active partners in the process, and we must be diligent to do our part. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed".
David Jeremiah -
If you need counsel, start with the One who is both Counselor and King - the One who is the source of both wisdom and power.
David Jeremiah -
Satan can wreak havoc but he cannot claim the victory.
David Jeremiah
Kids today learn a lot about getting to the moon, but very little about getting to heaven.
David Jeremiah -
Too often we concentrate only on the things we can see now; but our focus should be on that place we can only envision, but will enjoy for all eternity.
David Jeremiah -
God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. And he's given us the indwelling strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to us.
David Jeremiah -
Every believer is commanded to be plugged in to a local church.
David Jeremiah -
With Jesus we have 100 percent security, and no one can ever breach the parameters of His love.
David Jeremiah -
The Lord intends us to be powerful people-mighty in optimism and hopeful of spirit, powerful in evangelistic zeal, potent in influence, sturdy in moral fiber and purity. We can be powerhouses in prayer and preaching.
David Jeremiah
Jesus Himself stresses that only those who grant forgiveness will receive it.
David Jeremiah -
The very thing that most qualifies us to pray is our helplessness.
David Jeremiah -
We can be encouraged knowing that our daily actions and words are declaring Christ to the world.
David Jeremiah -
Generational bonds are easily formed and rarely broken.
David Jeremiah