When you lose your hair, it has an impact on confidence and your overall self-esteem whether it affects your career or your love life.
If I gamble, I go for the lowest-end blackjack or slots. It's because I don't like to lose!
I cook a great fish, a great salmon. I grill it, get the skin nice and crispy.
I think it's time to have a celebration of life and renew our vows. And this time we're going to write the vows because they're going to mean a lot more. We certainly put the 'in sickness and in health' vow to the test the last year and half.
Chicago is seriously my favorite city in the country. People have roots here, which is nice. When you go to Los Angeles, no one is actually from Los Angeles.
What I think a lot of great marathon runners do is envision crossing that finish line. Visualization is critical. But for me, I set a lot of little goals along the way to get my mind off that overwhelming goal of 26.2 miles. I know I've got to get to 5, and 12, and 16, and then I celebrate those little victories along the way.
I cook a lot of Italian food. Bucatini Pomodoro is my best: it's a fat spaghetti with tomato, olive oil, and reminds me of getting married in Italy.
Every day in our house is like Valentine's Day. I've kept it traditional with what my dad has done with my mom. Every morning, I get up and I make coffee and I bring Giuliana coffee in bed.
Whether you want to admit it or not, people begin to judge you the minute you walk in the door.
Bread pudding makes me weak. I have been known to be moved to tears by cookies and ice cream, and ribs are a spiritual experience for me.
I think every guy that hits his 40s has a little bit of a wake-up call and wants to just keep things real, as they say, and just to push yourself.
My best friend Jerry started a boat-washing business, and it was one of the most critical experiences of my life. I got to meet a lot of people who were entrepreneurs. My parents were schoolteachers, and I was now meeting people who owned companies. I realized that if this guy can do it, why can't I?
To the new 'Apprentice' candidates I would say to follow your gut instincts, be yourself and get ready to work hard for the next few months. Oh, and try to have some fun!
I love cooking. I'm in the restaurant business.
Young children need to develop good habits that will be useful to them the rest of their lives. It is important to keep the lessons age-appropriate. For example, when your children start earning allowances, that would be a good time to teach them how to put some money in the bank instead of spending it all.
My wife was born and raised in Italy until she was about 9, and then she came to America, and her mom was a great cook, and they have great recipes, and whenever her mom would come into town, we would have all these friends just randomly showing up at our house, and eventually we figured out why. They wanted Mama's cooking.
I had a very good job in corporate America, but I quickly knew that was not how I was wired.
So many reality shows are scripted and create this fake drama, and it's a bunch of bull. We wanted to do something real and something wholesome and something that's focused on positive family values.
My son's going to have a job, and if he wants to get a car when he gets his license, he's going to pay for it on his own like I did.
I run everywhere I go. You wake up, and you do it, and you make the time. I bring my son, Duke, with me on a lot of the runs. I have this great jogging stroller, and he loves it. It's a great time for the two of us. We'll crank out a run, and he has the time of his life.
Well, the 'Giuliana & Bill' show is a little bit different because Giuliana and I are the executive producers of the show, so certainly we have a lot of control and we have total, I guess if we wanted to, editing power, but I will say, in the seven seasons we've done the show, we've never used our executive producer powers to cut something out.
If I can lead a happy life, touch the lives of others in a positive way, win the respect of those that I care about - and make a few million along the way - then I have been successful.
It's important to us to see the development and growth. At the end of the day, it's our baby. Genetically it's ours. It's our embryo. We feel very connected.
Teaching money management is a practical tool that will help shape kids' futures.