From age 7 on, I wanted to be a writer.
Kristin Gore -
My dad has a dry, deadpan sense of humor, and my mom has an unexpected, wacky take on things. They really encouraged laughing at ourselves and the weirdness of situations that come up growing up in politics.
Kristin Gore
Any writing teacher tells you to write what you know, and for better or for worse, Washington is a world I know well.
Kristin Gore -
It's all discipline and schedule for me. I mean, it's very easy to get distracted by the real world and things that intrude constantly, and it takes dedication to live totally in your head and be tuned out.
Kristin Gore -
After writing for TV for a while, I got sort of fed up with all of the cancellations and the volatility in that industry. Also, you're always writing for someone else's character and story, and I really wanted to develop my own.
Kristin Gore -
You think about D.C. as a boring stuffy place. That's kind of its image. But if you grow up in that, you see all these energetic, fun people and crazy stuff that happens behind the scenes that no one knows about.
Kristin Gore -
I've seen some version of 'An Inconvenient Truth' since I was born.
Kristin Gore -
I consciously decided to make both 'Sammy's Hill' and 'Sammy's House' more of a warm satire and not go the route of writing a dark and bitter book about D.C.
Kristin Gore