I've always been pretty energetic.
When I was six years old, my parents took me to this farmers' market with a petting zoo. They put me on a pony and, for some reason, it took off at a run and they had to chase it down. They tell me it was kind of traumatic.
I think the other honest attraction was that I just grew up loving watching TV and loving watching film, and there's so many directors and actors that I dreamed of working with, I just really wanted to take a crack at it and see if I could ever work with some of those.
I find America falling in love with a TV show flattering and interesting, but at the same time a little sad.
If I were given a choice between two films and one was dark and explored depraved, troubled or sick aspects of our culture, I would always opt for that over the next romantic comedy.
I've made a good amount of money. I'm very happy that I can now support my theatre company and support friends and family, and I'm ready to maybe go back to school and change careers.
To be perfectly honest, I feel I have a duty to use my celebrity status in a positive way.
I can't go anywhere without being recognized. I'm.
Being generous or doing things for others actually makes me feel good so I don't do it because I hope karma will come round and get me and I'll benefit from it.
I came from a family where I felt great pressure to be financially successful, and I felt that staying in Chicago and doing theater, I was, in all likelihood, not going to find financial success.
I started in theater. I did theater professionally for seven years with my company before I started doing 'Friends.' I was waiting tables and doing theater.
As an actor, the training I received was that I walk through the world as an observer of life and of people. My job is to actually be looking out all the time and watching people.
I love dogs.
It's a job - someone's gotta kiss Jennifer Aniston. The reality is, Jennifer and I can do our job well because we truly are friends. But when the day's over, she goes home to her boyfriend and I go home to a magazine.
If there's something I want, I go for it. I just think about how I'm going to go for it.
You're only as good as the sum of your parts, and one person can't be a team.
When you're playing the same character for a decade it's natural that there are moments when you want to try something new.
I spend half my time just living my life, and the other half analyzing it.
Sometimes I've felt that the industry has typecast me as a certain kind of character. But then I think all it really takes is one role, the right role, to shake that up and change that perception.
The reality is, Jennifer and I can do our job well because we truly are friends. But when the day's over, she goes home to her boyfriend and I go home to a magazine.
If someone doesn't believe enough in your product to put money in to it, then you should rethink how good the product is.
A lot of a movie is locations, frankly.
And the thing is, every time you start a new show or do a new series, you're committing to another six years.
I'm very goal oriented.