Most conservative and progressive talk radio is primarily just that - bloviated opinion and whacky viewer calls.
David Shuster -
Finally saw the Megan Fox Maxim shoot. Meh. I'd have preferred Miley Cyrus.
David Shuster
Everybody involved in this story - from Prejean to Terrell to pageant officials to Trump, - everybody involved makes me want to vomit.
David Shuster -
For most Americans, Wednesday, April 15th will be Tax Day, but in our fourth story tonight: It's going to be teabagging day for the right-wing and they’re going nuts for it.
David Shuster -
GOP has become a party of nihilists.
David Shuster -
MSNBC will never be as liberal as Fox is conservative.
David Shuster -
As opposed to the agenda from people like you to boost Sarah Palin, who is clearly unqualified.
David Shuster