Everybody kept saying, 'I just don't know how to sell you.' I'm odd. I don't think you can put a finger on me.
My idea of horses is from when I grew up on a farm. They were big, and they were dumb.
When you deal with Alan Ball, you're dealing with a person who is a genius in terms of how art imitates life.
With 'True Blood,' you don't know what to expect. You don't know how wild it's gonna get.
The sci-fi fans in America... they are die-hard. They will follow you to the ends of the Earth. Once they attach themselves to a show and believe in the show and love the characters, they're there forever, and they're unshakeable.
I rejected being a lot of things that I grew up in, and yet I didn't. I got all my tactics from where I grew up... I can talk about all the people in those environments more than I can talk about the teachers at Juilliard or anyone else.
You go back to my town, it's like going back to the 1960s... just not a great place to grow up.
I think, in this country, anybody can do whatever they want to do as long as it's not hurting anybody else or violating the laws of society.
When you act with phenomenal actors, it makes your job much easier because all you have to do is react.
I empty myself out and fill myself with the character. I would play a devil worshipper, and I would fill myself up with whatever devil worshippers believe. Then, as myself, I empty that out and become Nelsan.
I'm not an emotional person; I keep it in, and I wouldn't know how to get it out if it weren't for acting and writing.
Alan Ball, he's good at challenging his actors, I'll say that.
It's hard to get an education when teachers spend 70 percent of their time trying to discipline students.
You have to learn to not hate who you have to live with.
Being different makes you beautiful.
My mom's side, they're southern Baptist Christian.
When you're in a position that you can comfortably give, you need to pay it forward.
Domestic violence is an epidemic, and yet we don't address it. Until it happens to celebrities.
When I wanted to become a serious actor, this girl told me, 'You should go to Juilliard.' And I said, 'Okay.'
Anna Paquin is marvelous, and she brings so much experience to the table.
I don't look anything like my mother, except when I'm Lafayette. I look like my father.
Although I can be a leading man, you wouldn't look at me and go, 'He's a leading man.'
I went from unknown to having no anonymity.
I can't approach a character with judgment.