This idea that the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact is being proven over and over again around the world nearly on a daily basis - and for Secretary Clinton to recognize that, I think, is a huge step.
Biz Stone -
We focus a lot on culture specifically at Twitter because of this spotlight, and of the fact that we don't want to end up like the child actor who found success early and grew up all weird and freaky.
Biz Stone
I believe that the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact.
Biz Stone -
You can shut down a service, and yet people will find ways to communicate.
Biz Stone -
Even though running is physically straining, it's mentally refreshing. Especially when you feel like you've accomplished something.
Biz Stone -
Everything I've done, I've made up. Some of that might have been right; most of it was probably wrong.
Biz Stone -
I started out as an artist, and I continue to think of myself as an artist first, and a technologist and entrepreneur after that.
Biz Stone -
If you're thinking of acquiring a company and want to keep it a secret, tell everyone in the company; let them all in on the truth. Say, 'Listen, if this gets out, we'll probably lose the deal, so we're all in this together.'
Biz Stone
I think when people twitter 20 or 30 times per day, that's too much. They are boxing everyone else out, and people stop following them because they need a break.
Biz Stone -
With Twitter, it's as easy to unfollow as it is to follow.
Biz Stone -
I'm convinced that there's a new way to define capitalism, and that the definition should include three ingredients - that we love our work, that we are building a traditionally successful business, and that we are having some positive impact in the world, whether it's local or global.
Biz Stone -
Balancing family and work is a top priority for me, and I treat it as such. Meaning, I actually put specific family time and events in my calendar so that precious time is dedicated and properly blocked off from any work that may try to sneak its way into my schedule.
Biz Stone -
Essentially, you become a top tweet because so many people are engaging with that tweet. They're either retweeting it, or they're favoriting it; they're doing one of many things to indicate to us that that tweet is interesting and engaging to users.
Biz Stone -
Turkeys are intelligent, social, curious, and sometimes even funny. I wish people were more like turkeys sometimes. … We're going to have a special celebration for turkeys this November, where we're going to hang out with turkeys, we're not going to eat them, we're just going to kind of chill, hang out, talk with the turkeys, eat a little veggies.
Biz Stone
The two things I use the most are the MacBook Air and my iPhone. Those are my two most-used gadgets that are dented, scratched and smashed.
Biz Stone -
I still blog, but I do think blogging will become obsolete, as there are more ways of interacting on the Web with low barriers to entry for people to engage and participate.
Biz Stone -
A feeling I got from working at Google was that technology could solve any problem. Yes, it's fantastic, but what I realized later was there's technology, and there's people. Google had its list ordered: Technology. People. And I think the right order is: People. Technology.
Biz Stone -
My personal view about how people should use Twitter is less relevant than our goal to provide the infrastructure for a new kind of communication and then support the creativity that emerges.
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In any leadership position, you're always going to be disappointing somebody.
Biz Stone -
Both my wife and I have a lot of compassion for animals in general.
Biz Stone
I've seen people twitter in haiku only.
Biz Stone -
I never even graduated college. I never finished learning, as it were, and I have a psychological need to be in a learning environment at all times.
Biz Stone -
The reason I really started running was for meditative purposes. I would pick some problem to have in my head while running.
Biz Stone -
For me, I've learned about what it means to focus on a culture, to build social responsibility, and the idea of a company as a super-organism.
Biz Stone