When you have a memorable story about who you are and what your mission is, your success no longer depends on how experienced you are or how many degrees you have or who you know. A good story transcends boundaries, breaks barriers, and opens doors.
When you incorporate giving into your business in an authentic and transparent way, your customers become your best marketers.
No matter how convenient it is for us to reach out to people remotely, sometimes the most important task is to show up in person.
The more you give, the more you live.
The most important step of all is the first step. Start something.
Make the most out of every single day you have on earth and be thankful for them.
Giving is what fuels us. Giving is our future.
The goal isn't how much money you make, but how much you help people.
I did what I think a lot of entrepreneurs do. I started putting up a lot of ads on Craigslist for interns.
Be tenacious. One thing that has allowed me to have some level of success is that I am fine with cold-calling people. It doesn't scare me to call someone who has no idea who I am and say I'd love to take you to lunch.
When you incorporate giving into your business, you attract the most amazing partners.
A good story transcends boundaries, breaks barriers and opens doors.
Allow your team to incorporate giving into their life through their job. Not only do employees stay around a lot longer, they do a lot more good.
TOMS is no longer a shoe company... we're a one-for-one company.
Giving does not just feel good, but it's really, really good for business, and it's good for your personal brand.
What got us to where we are today is not going to get us to where we need to go tomorrow.
Complicated lives and heaps of possessions don’t necessarily bring happiness; in fact, they can bring the opposite.
Facts are neutral until human beings add their own meaning to those facts. People make their decisions based on what the facts mean to them, not on the facts themselves. The meaning they add to facts depends on their current story … facts are not terribly useful to influencing others. People don’t need new facts—they need a new story.
I am a big believer in the value of traveling while you are young. The experiences you have in other countries can inspire greatness.
If you organize your life around your passion, you can turn your passion into your story and then turn your story into something bigger - something that matters.
Almost every morning I write in my journal. I've been keeping it for a long time - I've filled more than 50 books. I write about what's going on in my personal and spiritual life or what's going on at work. It helps me keep things in perspective, especially when things get crazy or I get stressed or we have obstacles.
Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.… If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually,’ just do it and correct course along the way.
With technology today, companies are less in control of their brand.
The most important step of all is the first step. Start something! What if that idea you have in the back of your head is a really good one, one that might end up helping tens of thousands of people? You owe it to the world ot act. Or maybe it will help only a few people: The same advice applies. If you don't do it, you are missing out on something big, and so are the people who could have been helped.