It is obvious, that theory alone, can never make a good artist; and it is equally obvious, that practice unaided by theory, can never correct errors, but must establish them.
He is not necessarily the best teacher who performs the most labour; makes his pupils work the hardest, and bustle the most. A hundred cents of copper, though they make more clatter and fill more space, have only a tenth of the value of one gold eagle.
Without alteration there can be no improvement.
Aware that his disappointment has its source in a defective education, he looks with anxiety on his other daughters, whose minds, like lovely buds, are beginning to open. Where shall he find a genial soil in which he may place them to expand?
We too are primary existences . . . the companions, not the satellites of men.
Any women has a right to open a school in any place; and no one, either from law or custom, can prevent her.
His daughter returned from her boarding school, improved in fashionable airs and expert in manufacturing fashionable toys; but, in her conversation, he sought in vain for that refined and fertile mind which he had fondly expected.
Though well to decorate the blossom, it is far better to prepare for the harvest.
The taste of men, whatever it might happen to be, has been made a standard for the formation of the female character.
Take care of health; for without it existence is, for every purpose of enjoyment, worse than a blank.
In inquiring concerning the benefits of the plan proposed, I shall proceed upon the supposition that female seminaries will be patronized throughout our country.
Who knows how great and good a race of men may yet arise from the forming hands of mothers, enlightened by the bounty of their beloved country?
Would we rear the human plant to its perfection, we must fertilize the soil which produces it.