I think it is probably not the best time in the world.
Dennis Hastert -
By restraining spending and by cutting the deficit, Republican policies are helping to keep our economy strong.
Dennis Hastert
Mike Oxley has provided steady, dedicated leadership to House Republicans, and I am grateful for his service.
Dennis Hastert -
The Pledge of Allegiance simply reinforces the beliefs that led to the birth of our great nation. It is an oath of our fidelity to our country, and I am disappointed that the court chose to rule against this American treasure.
Dennis Hastert -
Our economy is creating jobs and giving businesses the conditions they need to invest and succeed.
Dennis Hastert -
Always did his best to defend this nation against terrorists and those states that support them.
Dennis Hastert -
Ronald Reagan's long journey has finally drawn to a close, ... optimism and ... Western can-do spirit.
Dennis Hastert -
We're there, ... We can debate the reasons why we're there. ... But we are there.
Dennis Hastert
We can't afford to ignore this issue, this year, ... We, on both sides of the aisle, have held out a promise to America's seniors that we will give them the opportunity to have a prescription drug benefit and a new modern Medicare.
Dennis Hastert -
This is one of the toughest, most complex pieces of legislation that we've tried to put together in our lifetime.
Dennis Hastert -
We know what the writing on the wall is, ... We need to make sure we continue to pay down the debt. That's been one of our objectives all the way along the line. So it's not a retreat at all.
Dennis Hastert -
Some have said that we should not have this debate. I disagree.
Dennis Hastert -
Our economy is robust and will remain strong as more Americans who want a job find one. Republican economic policies based on tax relief are working for the American people.
Dennis Hastert -
It's going to be an election year, ... That means, sometimes, that this business gets right contentious and we have committed ourselves to try to meet as often as possible to try to work out whatever difficulties that we can.
Dennis Hastert
He has expressed his disappointment with the initial response. We, in the Congress, echo that sentiment. However, in the days following the storm, this country has demonstrated the true spirit of what makes America great, neighbors coming together and helping one another.
Dennis Hastert -
I pledge to work with those Democrats who want to work with me.
Dennis Hastert -
As a fiscal conservative, I cannot support a base closing that does not provide taxpayer savings.
Dennis Hastert -
Priorities like winning the War on Terror and providing tax relief that will keep our economy growing strong.
Dennis Hastert -
This is no time to pick a leader who is weak on the war and wrong on taxes. George W. Bush is a strong leader with the right vision for America.
Dennis Hastert -
It's a tough time my friends. We need to make sacrifices to ensure our troops have the tools they need in order to get the job done. This budget will help us win the War on Terror.
Dennis Hastert
She has all the qualities of leadership, except followers.
Dennis Hastert -
It's the right thing to do, ... We've said for two Congresses we want to deliver a prescription drug package. We're at the point now that we have to make sure policy and politics are married up, that we can deliver to the American people what we said is the right thing to do.
Dennis Hastert -
What we try to do is to try to put patients first.
Dennis Hastert -
There may be some things we think will make the bill better, ... It certainly will be in consultation with the White House. But, you know, the president set the limit and I think that's what we're going to work for.
Dennis Hastert