Children can write poetry and then, unless they're poets, they stop when reach puberty.
To love it too much is to obscure and not see what is there.
The knowledge that we have about what it is to be human that we have as a child is something we necessarily must lose.
It is a dangerous thing to have instant access to your emotions.
The loss of Eden is personally experienced by every one of us as we leave the wonder and magic and also the pains and terrors of childhood.
I did not fully understand the dread term 'terminal illness' until I saw Heathrow for myself.
Television's Mr. Filth: that's me.
Some of the words and symbols and images from childhood will continually be part and parcel of my personality.
I was given talent, and if you are given it, it is your obligation to use it.
God, I'm such a lazy writer - I can't even think up new names.
Children are very cruel, yes. Of course. Children are extraordinarily cruel little creatures.
As adults, we do know more, but we don't know enough. People can be very unthinkingly callous.
I believe everybody is responsible for what they do themselves.
Nigel Barton: Eh dad, why do you always walk in the middle of the road?Harry Barton: I don't know.Nigel Barton: What do you think the pavement's for?Harry Barton: Dogs to poop in, by the looks of things!
You have to assert something about yourself in order to be yourself.
Philip Marlow: You're the girl in all those songs. De-dum.Nurse Mills: What songs?Philip Marlow: The songs, the songs, the bloody, bloody songs.Nurse Mills: I wish I knew what you were talking about.Philip Marlow: The songs you hear coming up the stair.Nurse Mills: Sorry?Philip Marlow: When you're a child, when you're supposed to be asleep. Those songs.
Jack: A potential Cabinet Minister if ever I saw one. Dishonest in a way which seems embarrassingly frank. Upright when creeping. And dignified when at his most stupid.