Ask yourself for a moment what is really important to you-not by anyone else's definition but your own.
Note: This is one of Maharaji's first published addresses. He was 4 years of age at that time.
Just remember that it’s your effort that’s going to really bring it together for you…. You will be happy because you will have then realized and fulfilled the destiny. That little speck, then will have become everything because it will have merged with infinity. It will have merged with the most incredible, most indescribable thing there is!
People say, I am afraid of changes. But who is asking you to change? Knowledge is not a change. When you see yourself in the mirror, the first thing you will realize is that beauty that you have always looked for is right there. That's the first thing you will realize. That, to me, is the magic of this Knowledge.
Happiness is your own treasure because it lies within you.
'receive this Knowledge and know God within yourself. That pure energy, God, is within your own heart'.
You can be a doctor and I’ll still help you. You can be an engineer and I can help you. You can be a scientist and I’ll help you, whoever you are because I am not helping anything else. I am helping you! Peace on this Earth doesn’t begin by great ideas. Peace on Earth begins with you.
I don't contain a self-personality, that I might stand up and say, Do this for me. Kings might say that, Bring me jewels, and so on, but I don't say that. Because when I see the growth of a human being and I see that his love and affection are really growing, then I feel happy. That is what pleases me.
Where does Guru Maharaj Ji fit in? Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't fit in anywhere. Guru Maharaj Ji is Knowledge. It is Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge. … Who are you going to do service to, for? Guru Maharaj Ji. What are you going to meditate on? The Holy Name, which is Guru Maharaj Ji.
People think God is a man. People think God has got ears, nose, teeth and he rises daily in the morning, brushes his teeth and washes his mouth. And he is an old man and he has a beard. All these things people think. But no, God is energy. God is perfect and pure energy.
Note: In November 1970, when he made the following declaration, Maharaji was 12 years of age and had yet to leave India.
Even when the Earth phases out, sun the diminishes, and everything goes wherever it goes to, the experience of your Knowledge cannot diminish. It is from where even, you might say, eternity starts. It is the source of all sources. It is. It is the experience which is beyond death, beyond creation, beyond anything in this world.
Knowledge brings that tranquility, brings that harmony, to all human beings of every type, of every age. And it doesn't matter what their background is. It doesn't matter what they are up to. It just brings them all together because of that harmony inside, because of that understanding inside, because of that love inside.
Knowledge is not spiritual, nor is it a religion. Knowledge belongs in neither of those two categories. Knowledge says there is a consciousness inside of you, that you are complete.
There is something so beautiful inside you that if you knew it, you would fall in love with it. It is irresistible. You can truly experience that.
We are all individuals. I can’t eat for you and you can’t eat for me. I can’t sleep for you and you can sleep for me. We are absolutely all individuals. When our purpose is fulfilled, it feels beautiful. That is, to me, the feeling of fulfillment.
Reporter: I was told that probably the best question to ask you, out of sincerity, is: who are you?
This peace is not the absence of anything. Real peace is the presence of something beautiful. Both peace and the thirst for it have been in the heart of every human being in every century and every civilization.
Q:So God cannot teach anything, except through a Master?