Until Amazon creates a drone that can cut your hair, there's a physical and real reason to come to the store.
Amazon has done something for all of retail, which is resetting the customer expectations about how quickly and easily you can get things.
At the end of the day, especially in retail, you've got humans serving humans. And really, the more engaged and happier the associates are, the happier our guests are. It's not complicated.
There's no more important consumer product today than a cell phone.
One thing I love about the beauty industry is that there are so many entrepreneurs, so much creativity, such a fun pipeline of products.
Most Americans actually need to have both people working, and it's a luxury and something to celebrate if you can make a choice like this. And this choice isn't for everyone. But it's nice to not have to worry about what time does daycare close.
I learned from McDonald's that we can do great things from a marketing and advertising perspective, but if the experience at the restaurant isn't superior, it might not matter.
Guests who shop at Ulta know exactly what we're about. People who have not shopped at Ulta or have not shopped at Ulta for a long time have a fuzzy image. And that's what I'm all about sharpening and elevating.
We are never complacent. My job is to make us look 10 years out and be prepared.
We are really focused on the beauty enthusiast... but also, as you know, everybody has got a great phone in their pocket. Everybody is taking pictures. Who doesn't want to look good in a picture? I don't know anybody who doesn't.
The best way to build the best workforce is to focus on the largest talent pool you have.
I am very excited about the future for Ulta Beauty.
I didn't want Ulta to be thought of as the retailer for discounts. I wanted Ulta to be known as a beauty retailer.
I'm the biggest fan of face-to-face communication.
Our guests, in fact, who buy online with Ulta Beauty and in our store is our best guest. But what she is buying online is quite incremental. She is not just replenishing like-items: she is buying new and exciting things all the time.
Ulta is a great place for our vendor partners to experience growth.
We've continued to expand the overall footprint of Ulta Beauty both physically and digitally in so many ways.
Our guest likes the convenience of being able of drive up to the store and not necessarily walk through a mall to find Ulta. This kind of shopping has been trending for some period of time.
Launching and seeding awareness of a new tagline is a major financial undertaking. You'd have to be very sure that you needed to do that.
Women in the U.S. are influenced by the same trends - popular culture, runway trends, etc. - and our hypothesis is that she's quite anxious to be able to buy products in her town that perhaps she hasn't been able to in the past.
Our awareness gap and the fuzziness about how people might understand Ulta today is a ripe opportunity for us as we think about going forward. I imagine this is like almost relaunching the brand of Ulta.
Having diversity around the board room, the executive table, and up and down our stores is really important.
If a company want to cast its net widely, they will absolutely find qualified women. I don't really think there are any real barriers to that.