If I could press a button and have all of Sequoia Capital on the Midas List, I would choose to do that over a honoring a single individual.
Douglas Leone -
Raise as little as you can to get you to something that you can show - plus maybe a quarter or two so you have a little bit of cushion - and then raise some more money. Raise as little - not as much - as you can because that's the most expensive equity you're going to sell.
Douglas Leone
I routinely make trips to China and India where we have offices to continue to maintain the linkages that are necessary to run a successful business.
Douglas Leone -
You have to be willing to risk things; otherwise, somebody else will put you out of business.
Douglas Leone -
We've tried to build Sequoia Capital with an eye for the long term that we really look for in the companies we like to partner with.
Douglas Leone -
Crystal-clear thinking is one of the things we look for - not a fancy slide pitch, but crystal-clear thinking.
Douglas Leone -
In a globalized world, one application can spread like wildfire and there's only one winning company, which means you have to invest more than you've ever had.
Douglas Leone -
We look at the number of engineers coming out of India; we look at the growth of the economy, and it's clear that India is a place we want to be.
Douglas Leone
We want people who come from humble backgrounds and have a need to win.
Douglas Leone -
There's a number of companies clearly that we wish we had invested in either at the early or at the moderate stage.
Douglas Leone -
I was working on boats as a teenager, sweating like a pig during a summer job.
Douglas Leone -
Be incredibly, ruthlessly selfish with your equity.
Douglas Leone -
If you choose a market that already exists, say, networking equipment, you have to compete with an established company like Cisco. Even if your product is marginally better, Cisco can fudge it and outsell you.
Douglas Leone -
You meet with a CEO or founder. You talk about sales, engineering, product management and give some ideas or suggestions. And the founder quickly understands that you really can help them both operationally and from a strategic standpoint.
Douglas Leone
Give me an entrepreneur with a lot of courage, gusto and who iterates rapidly, and I will back that person day in and day out.
Douglas Leone -
We work as a team. I think having the individual being shown as a star actually creates problems internally. We encourage all our investors to work as a team for the benefit of the founders.
Douglas Leone -
We like companies that can get big and powerful on $50 million or less and not two, three, four or five billion.
Douglas Leone -
I'll say this: I can't think of one instance in my 20 years in venture capital in which I have wanted to sell a company before the entrepreneur.
Douglas Leone -
A tremendous chief executive in a small market will never be great. All great companies start with great markets.
Douglas Leone -
During dark times, real entrepreneurs come out. They are not competing with 10 look-alike companies for engineering talent, so it's a great time to invest and help build companies.
Douglas Leone
We see China as a large market opportunity with similar cyclical economic cycles that occur throughout every economy.
Douglas Leone -
We have co-opted seed funds. You know, Y Combinator, that was completely our money. We have secret handshakes with a whole bunch of people. Very dangerous, because word gets out that so-and-so's money is Sequoia's money, that would not be a good thing.
Douglas Leone -
Guys like me on the investor side are a dime a dozen.
Douglas Leone -
Our business is all about helping someone - a founder, a CEO - building a great business. It's not about seeing our names in the press.
Douglas Leone