Go with your fate, but not beyond. Beyond leads to dark places.
The rightness of a thing isn't determined by the amount of courage it takes.
A man is at his youngest when he thinks he is a man, not yet realizing that his actions must show it.
When we serve the great, they are our destiny.
He sees himself in his lover as if in a mirror, not knowing whom he sees, And when they are together, he too is released from pain, and when apart, he longs as he himself is longed for; for reflected in his heart is love's image, which is love's answer. But he calls it, and believes it, not love but friendship…
It is bitter to lose a friend to evil, before one loses him to death.
But it is not for the perfect vase or the polished gem to choose their owners.
To hate excellence is to hate the gods.
It is better to learn war early from friends, than late from enemies.
Miss Searle had always considered boredom an intellectual defeat.
In hatred as in love, we grow like the thing we brood upon. What we loathe, we graft into our very soul.
Money buys many things... The best of which is freedom.
He kept telling me I was queer, and I didn't like it. The word, I mean. Shutting you away, somehow; roping you off with a lot of people you don't feel much in common with, half of whom hate the other half anyway, and just keep together so that they can lean up against each other for support.
So now, for mercy and honor shown to my people, my lord is barbarous; a tyrant, because he punished his would-be murderers, the right of their meanest citizen; a mere vaunting soldier, though wherever he went he brought Greece with him, the Greece he honored, of which these liars are the unworthy heirs.
You can make an audience see nearly anything, if you yourself believe in it.
Do not believe that others will die, not you.... I have wrestled with Thanatos knee to knee and I know how death is vanquished. Man's immortality is not to live forever; for that wish is born of fear. Each moment free from fear makes a man immortal.
How can people trust the harvest, unless they see it sown?