The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe.
Although raised on the farm - my grandfather was an unsuccessful fundamentalist preacher turned farmer - my father and his brother both became professors.
That Big Science culture in the USA, and similar groups elswhere, tended to have separate, direct access to government and hence to funding sources. It was independent to a great extent of the rest of science, of which it was never a majority component except in funding.
The first months at Harvard were more than challenging, as I came to the realization that the humanities could be genuinely interesting, and, in fact, given the weaknesses of my background, very difficult.
My own work in spin glass and its consequences has formed some of the intellectual basis for these interests.
One of our brainchildren is a still viable Science and Society course.
The oxide superconductors, particularly those recently discovered that are based on La
The behavior of large and complex aggregates of elementary particles, it turns out, is not to be understood in terms of a simple extrapolation of a few particles. Instead, at each level of complexity entirely new properties appear, and the understanding of the new behaviors requires research which I think is as fundamental in its nature as any other.
... the state of a really big system does not at all have to have the symmetry of the laws which govern it; in fact, it usually has less symmetry.
I acquired an admiration for Japanese culture, art, and architecture, and learned of the existence of the game of GO, which I still play.
My belief is based on the fact that string theory is the first science in hundreds of years to be pursued in pre-Baconian fashion, without any adequate experimental guidance.
The prize seemed to change my professional life very little.
I have also testified repeatedly and published some articles in favor of Small Science.
'Of course I am not religious-I don’t in fact see how any scientist who thinks at all deeply can be so ...'
The field of quantum valence fluctuations was another older interest which became much more active during this period, partly as a consequence of my own efforts.
I learned, practically in my cradle (actually from Bill McMillan's thesis), that the ground state wave function of a system of bosons should necessarily be real and positive, a fact which made his early Monte Carlo simulations infinitely easier.
All I can say to the younger theorists is: don’t trust anyone over 45, except maybe me, and I’m not so sure about me.'
The years since the Nobel Prize have been productive ones for me.
Surely there are more levels of organization between human ethology and DNA than there are between DNA and quantum electrodynamics, and each level can require a whole new conceptual structure.
The Nobel Prize gives one the opportunity to take public stands.
An important impression was my father's one Sabbatical year, spent in England and Europe in 1937.
'We atheists can . . . argue that, with the modern revolution in attitudes toward homosexuals, we have become the only group that may not reveal itself in normal social discourse'.