Emmitt Smith is a great running back. One of the things I like about him along with Edgerrin James is that neither one of them 'show out' when they run a touchdown.
Sometimes I pay for it, With the way I walk now, the things I did to my body wasn't supposed to be done. At 48 years old, it is saying, 'Hey, Earl, remember what you did to me?'.
Our company sells about five to six million pounds of sausage a year. We sell it retail and to restaurants. We've got all kinds of products.
First of all, I'm so glad that the city of Houston has a football team again. They have such great fans. I'm really happy for the people of Houston because they deserve a football team.
There are two things panic patients hate to do. They hate to take medication - and they hate to go to doctors. They hate to come to grips.
After watching films of Jim Brown, I noticed that he never ran out of bounds. He always ran North and South and that's what I turned my style into. I was a North and South runner.
Coming up as a kid, I played middle linebacker and I was very bow-legged, and I wanted to be like the legendary Dick Butkus.
Pittsburgh was a great team. Coach Noll, Joe Greene, Jack Lambert, L.C. Greenwood and all those guys did a great job. That's the team that kept us from winning two Super Bowls. It was a great rivalry.
I have a company called Earl Campbell Foods. I got into the meat business in 1991.
There had been talk about me getting involved with the new team in Houston. I don't know if it's something that will become a realization, but it would be something that I would love to do.
I miss the guys. I don't get to see them often. We do get together in Houston now and then.
I had two things I could do: I could run over you, and I could put a good stiff arm on you. That was about it.
When I was a kid and got in trouble, I'd always say, Mom, I'm in trouble. Well, Mom, I'm in trouble.
I talk to student-athletes. I try to get them to remember that they're not just athletes, but student-athletes. You need to get an education, keep your hands clean and try to represent the university.
Everything in life has a price on it - there ain't a damn thing free in America, and football has got a price on it.
My running style was kind of just head-on, because I couldn't dance.
I learned from different guys I played with, too. The key was probably three people: The good Lord, the offensive linemen I played with and great fullbacks that could block very well.
I did some good things as a rookie.
I try to get them to remember that they're not just athletes, but student-athletes.
Somebody will always break your records. It is how you live that counts.
I always knew that I wanted to do something in business and I prepared myself for that.
I think one game we played the Oakland Raiders and Jack Tatum and I had an accident on the one-yard line. The only thing that Jack Tatum didn't do was wrap me up so I backed into the endzone backwards.
I have a wife and two boys. One is 18 and the other is 14. The 18-year old is getting ready for college next year and he made a decision to run track. He runs a lot like Michael Johnson.
It really started cooking when I moved to Houston. I bought a house and got my own barbeque pit.