What is more simple than to believe in God? Its very simplicity argues the case.
James Cook -
No resource will flourish if managed by government.
James Cook
Social welfare is the most corrosive behavioral force ever unleashed by man.
James Cook -
Socialism is the triumph of people's prejudices over their reason.
James Cook -
I could not help concluding, that this man felt the most supreme pleasure, while he was driven on, so fast and so smoothly, by the sea.
James Cook -
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, then liberalism is a form of insanity.
James Cook -
A free ride is life's most difficult journey.
James Cook -
People who never seen to learn claim the government can be made more efficient.
James Cook
Our contemporary brand of socialism has one fatal flaw. It's too expensive. When you try to shower benefits on so many recipients, you eventually must resort to subterfuge. Foremost among those tricks is money and credit expansion. Inevitably, you debase your currency.
James Cook -
Gasahol is socialism's fuel.
James Cook -
The eyes of the owner can see what no one else can see.
James Cook -
Government regulators are another name for police.
James Cook -
Most everything government does is worse than useless.
James Cook -
If everyone had to start up their own business, socialism would soon die.
James Cook
Government does the least good and the most harm through subsidies.
James Cook -
Doubt makes us reaffirm what we believe.
James Cook -
Government is no more than taxpayers hiring the most inefficient organization to do the job.
James Cook -
The one thing that flies in the face of all human history and experience, is that the government can do a superior job than the private sector.
James Cook -
There are alternate explanations for everything.
James Cook -
Employers know the nature of people best.
James Cook