It must surprise people that I'm such a rap fan, but it's true. Sometimes, just staying in, putting on some rap music, and letting loose is all I need to have a good time.
I can't go without Vegemite, a salty spread from Australia. I put it on toast, and it brings me back to being a kid. I make sure to put it in my bag because I'm always on the road.
Natural beauty products are a must! I use coconut oil-based RMS makeup, and I slather almond oil on my hands to soak while I watch a movie.
Being healthy is something I learned from a very young age. Looking after yourself on the inside helps with your energy, makes your skin glow, and changes your whole outlook on life.
There isn't a lot of work in Australia. I think that's why everyone comes over to America to find jobs and pilots and things, because there's not enough work to justify staying there, unfortunately. Like, I wish there was. I would love to stay home and be working with my family around the corner, but the work just isn't there.
I'm not a crazy granola person. I like to wear beautiful clothes, and I like having a glass of wine, but it doesn't mean I don't work out every day and drink green juices.
I rely on my iPad for on-the-go entertainment. I stock it with TV shows, like 'Parks and Recreation' and the British version of 'The Office.' I'm reading a Charles Manson biography on it too, since I'm weirdly into true crime.
I love doing comedy and I love watching comedy... I'm more inclined to go watch a Seth Rogen film than a serious Oscar drama.
I'm obsessed with muffins.
I think Americans are probably getting sick of us Australians trying to take their jobs.
I loved Gwyneth Paltrow in 'The Royal Tenenbaums' and Reese Witherspoon in 'Election.' I love quirky films and characters like that.
I don't know, I'm literally the most awkward, socially strange person.
I love shopping at Zara or Topshop. I'm not going to go out and spend $1,200 on a Chloe top that I'm probably going to spill something on.
I'm into the lyrical side of rap. I listen to some old Eminem songs and think, 'Wow, he's a genius.' He's one of the greatest poets of our time. Even when he's out of control, like on 'Cold Wind Blows,' it's incredible.
I used to be that crazy person that was strict about what I did and didn't eat. I was so diligent with exercise. And as soon as I stopped thinking about it, I lost weight. I wasn't stressing about it. The balance and relaxing is what's really helped me.
I really, really like 'In Rainbows.' But I also really like 'OK Computer' as a sort of flipside to that. 'Reckoner' is my favorite, just my favorite Radiohead song. That, 'Idioteque,' and 'Pyramid Song' are my top three.
Chanel No. 5 is my perfume when I'm feeling like a lady. It's old-school and warm - and it reminds me of my mom.
No one knows who I am in Australia. They don't even know I am Australian, because 'The Secret Circle' is on in Australia, and I'm sure everyone's like, 'Oh, she's American. She's from, like, North Carolina.' Like, nobody knows me in Australia, I'm just telling you.
I want the feuds to come back - there aren't enough rap feuds anymore. I want a serious rap-off.
I enjoy staying home with friends more than going out. The other night, for example, my girlfriends and I stayed in listening to some '90s rap - my favorite kind. We were in the Hamptons and made it an all-Biggie weekend, all of his albums on repeat. I loved it.
I grew up on the beach. It's just a way of life. You don't seek out that lifestyle; it's just day-to-day.
Los Angeles and Sydney are very similar, but I definitely enjoy more fresh seafood when I'm back in Australia, as there is so much great, fresh produce here. I also like going swimming at the beach while I'm home, too.
In wintertime I like to wear flannel button down pyjamas, and in summer I prefer to wear, well... nothing.
I grew up watching 'Dawson's Creek,' and I started watching 'The Vampire Diaries' when I was auditioning because I wanted to get a feel of it... then I totally got hooked!