Loro Piana is all about seeking quality materials.
You don't have to make things which are just expensive.
Our customers are quality maniacs.
The Australians have a scientific approach and a very strong professionalism, a passion to do the best. Theirs is the best wool. And Loro Piana wants the best.
I'm always on a quest to find the next best natural fiber.
We check everything to make sure it is pure and of the highest quality. There is good wine and bad wine; we buy only the good wine.
Quality will save our company.
Sailing is in the same vein as horse riding. There's a beauty to it; it's an elegant sport. You have to employ your intelligence. It's technical, but you also have to take into account the natural elements - the wind, the water, the weather.
The Loro Piana man is a very active one: he works hard, and when he has time off, being close to nature is important to him.
We are very far from our potential, but you aren't going to see 500 stores; that wouldn't be consistent with the exclusivity of our brand. You also aren't going to see a Loro Piana perfume, glasses, or watches, because we are concentrating on our core business.
Dealing with political things, it's not for me. It makes me crazy. I want to buy, you want to sell. Please make it simple.
When we started, there was lots of formalwear made with quality fabrics, but Loro Piana's innovation was to use these in casualwear, too.
People from the country are very simple and loyal. I like that. I prefer to deal with the campesinos rather than the political people in Lima.
My brother and I became convinced that to buy and sell legally sheared vicuna hair was the only way to help the vicuna increase in numbers. If the animal becomes useful to society, people will take care of the animal; if it's not useful, they will not take care.
The life of a business is not like a football team! We are not taking part in an Italy-France game or against Germany.
A vicuna alive is worth more than one dead. Now it is like a goldmine.
The best sheep breeders are in Australia and New Zealand.
I don't think LVMH will want to significantly change the strategy of Loro Piana, and I don't think that they would have bought it otherwise.
I never expect business to be easy.
Being at a very high quality level was the only way for us to survive.
Our philosophy is always to search for the best quality. That is something our father taught us. It's one way to be different from your competitors. You can try to be cheaper, or you can try to be better.
Luxury is research in quality. It's quality with no compromise. What does that mean? That you don't think about how much something will cost to be able to achieve the very, very best.
My father passed me the concept that vicuna was something very special, very expensive. So it was a question of pride. I didn't want anybody else in the world to be touching vicuna before us.
Our farmers have become family.