The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds.
The problem with experiments has always been that human beings make the decisions on whether or not the animals have benefitted from the treatment.
Uri Geller may have psychic powers by means of which he can bend spoons; if so, he appears to be doing it the hard way.
Magicians are the most honest people in the world; they tell you they're gonna fool you, and then they do it.
I was not surprised by the results of the Horizon experiments, but I remain willing to observe and consider any and all other tests that are done under similarly precise conditions.
I do not expect that homeopathy will ever be established as a legitimate form of treatment, but I do expect that it will continue to be popular.
I would put my million dollars up as well.
A quick example of that is a woman who said she'd been healed of throat cancer where the faith healer admitted he touched her on the forehead.
However, I believe that it would be difficult to have legitimate scientists agree to participate.
I don't expect that the million will ever be won, simply because there is no confirming evidence for any paranormal claims to date.
There's something about the Houdini act that is not always made clear - about the escape act in general.
They would have been very let down if they had to leave the theater and he had missed. He would feel badly. Everyone would feel badly. But he never let them down.
Feeling better is not actually being better.
The only difference is that religion is much better organised and has been around much longer, but it's the same story with different characters and different costumes.
I questioned her further, and eventually got to talk to her doctor. And her doctor sort of shook his head and he said, 'I have examined her for throat cancer at least 15 times in the past few years.
Sir, there is a distinct difference between having an open mind and having a hole in your head from which your brain leaks out.
The conjuror or con man is a very good provider of information. He supplies lots of data, by inference or direct statement, but it's false data. Scientists aren't used to that scenario. An electron or a galaxy is not capricious, nor deceptive; but a human can be either or both.