We have a very old saying in our household: 'Inspect what you expect.' You hold people accountable, and I use my business background for finding the most efficient and effective solutions to deliver the result we're looking for.
Jon Tester had a chance to stop sanctuary cities, but he voted with them.
The Trump tax cuts mean business.
With regards to the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act, I believe it lacks a balanced approach. It designates 79,000 acres as new wilderness while only opening up 6,000 acres for recreation.
Liberals from California to Washington are fighting President Trump on illegal immigration.
I took action to allow Montanans to participate in direct primary care agreements with doctors and authorized the use of health care sharing ministries, both of which provide alternatives for more affordable health care.
I'm a businessman. I'm a former legislator, and I'm an executive. And I've been very effective in each one of those positions.
The one thing that our nation is truly responsible for is securing the nation, make sure the citizens are safe.
I'll fight for more freedom and prosperity for all Montana: we need to send Trump some conservative reinforcing that will end the liberal constriction.
It is divisive politics to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens after a national tragedy.
We need to secure the border and build the wall; we need to end sanctuary cities, deport criminals, and bring law and order back to this country.
I demonstrated through my work that I can rally other people to support legislation and get it passed.
I'm a straight shooter: I'll stand with the people of Montana and President Trump to support Kavanaugh's nomination because there is no doubt that he will defend our Constitution and protect our Montana way of life.
We need more justices who will uphold the Constitution, follow the rule of law, and protect our Montana way of life.
How can you not have people in leadership roles in our country not supporting the rule of law? That's what separates us from the rest of the countries around the world.
Death should not be a taxable event.
One of the major problems with Obamacare - and another reason it needs to be entirely repealed - is that it prevents Montanans from developing our own, better health care system.
I'm ready to stand tall for freedom and get Washington out of our lives.
We are a nation of laws.
I certainly would not deny that the Tea Party, the issues that they have looked at are certainly important to me as well... debt and deficit and recognition of the Constitution.
If we allow responsible management of our forests and end the nonsense litigation from radical environmental groups, we can get our timber mills up and running, reduce the risk of wildfires, and ensure healthier forests and cleaner air.
I think that freedom of speech is just that, and groups have the right to support or oppose issues that are going to affect them as well as individuals do.
I mean business about standing with President Trump to make America great again.
Montanans are fed up with politicians who say one thing back home but vote another way in Washington, D.C.,the people of Montana deserve a senator who will defend our way of life, get the federal government out of the way, and return power to the hardworking people who make this country great.