The word 'racist' is a permanent stain against my name. It's worse than a criminal record. Some people will never forgive me. Others will accept I made a terrible mistake and recognise I have learnt from it. It's on YouTube when my kids type in their dad's name, and it comes up 'Jamie Vardy racist'. On Google, too. It's horrible.
If you're not playing with any confidence, then you're not going to play well at all. You've always got to have that inner confidence, and that comes with the goals.
You hear players in the past say that it's just a job for them, but for me, it is nothing like that. I literally wish I could play football every day.
Confidence is sky high, but we're also all very grounded. We know, in football, nothing can be taken for granted.
People keep asking me if I'm watching our rivals' games in the Premier League, but I'm usually on my PlayStation. If I had been watching, it would have been on an illegal stream, so I don't even know why they are asking me.
For Secret Santa a few years ago, I bought one of the lads I used to play with a block of cheese.
Competition for places can only benefit you. If you know you've got that much competition, then you're just going to have to work that extra bit harder so you can catch the gaffer's eye.
I don't really leave the house. Literally, I train, come home, look after the kids, the dogs, my missus... then it's time to go to bed.
I pinch myself every day anyway. Everyone knows the road I have had in the game and how I have managed to get myself to where I am today.
Just as I am working hard to adjust to a new level, someone comes along and asks me to move up again. I'm not complaining about it; I just get on with trying to make sure I don't let anyone down. Training with England is just a different gravy again. Movement-wise, finishing-wise, you can learn such a lot from watching the very best in action.
A friend got attacked outside a nightclub just for being deaf. I stuck up for him but ended up getting in a bit of a trouble myself. I played with a tag at Stocksbridge. I had a little curfew. Luckily, it didn't stop me playing football. Being put on a tag, I could have lost playing football again.
It wasn't nice having to work full-time. It's a rise that I wouldn't have predicted, but it's a good example for younger players of what can be achieved.
You do get a chance to think about things when you're at home, but that is when you want to relax and forget about football for a bit. Honestly, you don't really get time to stop and think about things. We have a job to do. That is all we concentrate on, going game by game.
Every time I have stepped up a level, I wasn't expecting it to happen, but once it did, I just made sure I worked as hard as I possibly could to stay there.
In the changing-room, I'm seen as one of the jokers. I like to have a laugh; there are quite a few of us. That what helps make a good atmosphere in the changing-rooms. You've got to have a few jokers but obviously serious when the time comes.
When I lived in Hungerford, it was wake up 5:30 A.M., get to the van at 6 A.M. with eight other blokes, drive to Shinfield, which is in Reading, 45 minutes away. Start at 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. with two half-hour breaks and then home. Train Tuesday and Thursday and then play on Saturday.
Everyone works hard for each other, and if we're having an off day, everyone else is there to pick things up.
My diet is not unorthodox. I just eat like anyone else - that's just how I am. Everyone is different. It is just my metabolism that keeps me this slim.
I love a good paella, so I'd love to be able to know how to cook one.
On a real course, I'd probably want to throw my club in the water if I hit a duff shot. I'll give golf a miss - it's definitely not my sport.
I am so proud of what I've achieved personally, but without the lads around me, nothing would have been possible.
There's a lot of people blocked on my Twitter for various reasons which I don't need to get into.
Fitness has always been one of my strengths. I can do all the long-distance runs. When I was at school and we entered the competitions, I used to do the 100m, 200m, and the 1500m as well, so it's never just been a pace thing.
When you are moulding 30 an hour, it takes its toll on your body. It got to the point where my back was just hanging off. It was time to say, 'I can't do this any more'.